Grywalne? Jak najbardziej. Czy ci sie spodoba? Nie wiem.
Jak lubisz Theme Park MMO to powinno.
Co do filmiku - patrzac na tematy min. i jak wowtardziki komentuja to jak najbardziej spelnia on swoje zadanie.
O grze sie mowi - o to chodzi w reklamach.
I naprawde nikt tu nie mowi o "gromieniu WoW". Najwiecej i najglosniej o tym mowia wlasnie gracze WoW'a i ludzie ktorzy i tak w dane gre grac nie beda, co zawsze uwazalem za dosc zabawne.
Czy bedzie gromienie? Nie. WoW ma stabilny playerbase... co prawda 50% to azjaci a z tych 50% azjatow 90% to pewnie boty i goldfarmerzy ale mimo to ludzie graja i pewnie grac beda.
Czy bedzie konkurencja i gra odniesie sukces? IMHO Tak i bedzie miala rownie stabilny playerbase tylko ze mniejszy. A duzy odsetek tego playerbase to beda ludzie tacy jak ja lubiacy ten typ (WoWstyle) MMO ale ogromnie znudzeni WoW'em i wrecz zniesmaczeni tym co Blizzard z niego zrobil.
BTW. Polecam do poczytania wszytkim krzykaczom "pogromca WoW!!LOL!!" ten wywiadzik z szefem marketingu w Trion (a poprzednio min. szefem marketingu dla XBOXa 360 w Microsofcie): ... interview/
Jako ze wall of text to wyjme interesujace kawalki:
[i]"VB: What is your marketing message these days about your game being the “WOW killer”?
DR: Well, to be clear, no one in Trion has ever said that, and I don’t think anybody in Trion ever will. If you look at the lineage of great MMOs, starting with Ultima Online, you see generational improvements. Ultima Online was the first commercial success in the MMO business, but it was two-dimensional and weighted toward players fighting other players. That wasn’t much fun for the new players. EverQuest came along with 3D animation and players fighting against the environment. It was a real commercial success and it was prettier. Still, it had its bugs. World of WarCraft came along in 2004. It was an improvement on what came before and it was very polished. Within that game, you could have some great solo experiences. Other games have tried to emulate it.
We think of Rift as the next step in that evolution of product. We’ve taken a look at what World of WarCraft and others in that generation of MMOs have done and done really well. There were really innovative things that happened in Warhammer Online and in the Age of Conan. But those two products, in particular, didn’t, of course, capture everything that a World of Warcraft player was looking for. The players didn’t migrate from WoW.
In part, Rift is our love letter to the players who played the games that came before us. We love those games and we think this is the next generation, much like players move on to a new console with every generation."[/i]
VB: So WoW just went through that big change with Cataclysm. I guess you can do the same kind of upgrade just about every day?
DR: Yes. And that is a bit of what the engine of the Rift game and our End of Nations game is about. For all of the interconnected play that you have in an MMO, those worlds are still remarkably static. There isn’t much to do until a patch or a giant expansion comes out. And what the portal mechanic in Rift does is add a level of real life variability. It’s the first time really that in an MMO, you have the beginnings of emergent game play of things that will happen in this game that the developers aren’t able to predict and that the players are going to have a real hand in deciding. If a Rift opens on a town, you can help save it or you can wait for it to do its work.
VB: You made a reference to All Points Bulletin, which failed miserably after five years of development. You don’t interpret that failure as bad for the whole MMO market?
DR: No, we don’t. I think a lot of people could see those things coming and it wasn’t just APB. Final Fantasy XIV had a very rough start. There are other games over the past few years. It isn’t that the market isn’t there. It just comes down the fact that if you have quality product, gamers are willing to pay for it. But don’t try to convince them your product is high quality and charge them a high price if it’s not. That is the road to death.
Oni wiedza co robia w przeciwienstwie do devsow WAR czy AOC wiec skonczcie pierdolic i czarnowidziec i czekajcie na ten launch.