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What will happen to SHADOWBANE in Europe since Swing Entertainment has gone into receivership?
Concerning the the problems of Swing Entertainment's publishing of Shadowbane for Europe, Ubi Soft remains enthusiastic about the upcoming release of Shadowbane in North America, and our players will not be impacted at all; as with other MMOs run in different countries, Shadowbane in North America is a completely separate network.
Ubi Soft doesn't have enough information about the specifics of Swing's situation right now to comment further and this is really for Wolfpack Studios and Swing to figure out; the relationship is between them.
Shadowbane on ubi.com is available to customers in the U.S. and Canada. In order to play Shadowbane on ubi.com, a player must
- purchase the Ubi Soft version of Shadowbane which has a valid CD-key
- have a valid credit card with an address in the U.S. or Canada
Canadians will pay in U.S. dollars which will be converted to Canadian dollars by their bank.
The Shadowbane online services are provided by other companies in Asia and Europe. Below are links to their information.
EUROPE: Wolfpack Studios and another company have an agreement for Europe. If you have any further questions about Shadowbane in Europe, please contact Wolfpack Studios
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