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Posty: 1463
Dołączył(a): 29.10.2009
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 07:56 

Durham, USA – May 25th, 2011 – Funcom is excited to announce that the award-winning and critically acclaimed massively multiplayer online game ‘Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures’ will receive a digital re-launch this summer under the new name ‘Age of Conan: Unrated’. As well as reaffirming its position as the sexiest and most savage MMO in the world, ‘Age of Conan: Unrated’ will also feature a hybrid business model allowing anyone to freely roam the vast lands of Hyboria either as free players or premium subscribers with access to extra content.

“With over 1.4 million copies sold, glowing reviews for both the core game as well as the expansion, and a healthy player base ever since launch in 2008, there is no doubt that ‘Age of Conan’ has been a true success story for Funcom,” says SVP of Sales & Marketing Morten Larssen. “Now we turn to another chapter in this story as we thrust ‘Age of Conan: Unrated’ into the world of free-to-play games, a gaming space that is becoming rapidly more popular and profitable across the board.”

The new business model will give players the opportunity to choose whether they want to play for free or become premium subscribers, and Funcom is also introducing an in-game store to the game where both free players and premium subscribers can purchase exclusive content such as weaponry and mounts. For a full overview of what differs from the free and premium offerings, please view the Frequently Asked Questions now available on ‘Age of Conan’ community website.

‘Age of Conan’ has always been a Mature gaming experience, but going Unrated gives the development team freedom to stay even more true to the original works of Conan author Robert E. Howard, and use even more of the barbaric, brutal and sexy setting that is Howard's Hyboria. Funcom is already in the process of developing new locations, monsters, equipment and storylines for ‘Age of Conan: Unrated’. This includes the movie tie-in adventure pack announced yesterday, that will introduce content and characters from the upcoming ‘Conan the Barbarian’ movie.

“Everyone on the team is excited about opening up our world to an even larger audience,” says Creative Director and Executive Producer Craig Morrison. “The online world of Hyboria is constantly expanding as we continue to introduce new gameplay features and new content, and we truly believe that ‘Age of Conan: Unrated’ will offer something truly new and unique to both new players and to those have already experienced the brutal online world of Conan the Barbarian.” ... nd_unrated


How do the character slots work after the hybrid model launches?

Free players can only make two characters by default, while Premium players get eight character slots. Returning customers get to keep the number of character slots they already had.

How many character slots can I have in total?

All accounts have a maximum limit of 18 slots.
Each account type starts with a basic number of slots (2 for free players, 8 for premium players). Any slots purchased in addition to this base will be added no matter what subscription type you currently use.

What happens if I go from Premium to free?

After downgrading from Premium to free, any characters in the slots beyond the two default ones can not be played, unless enough additional slots have been purchased from the item shop to compensate. Your characters will be there, but any beyond your two slots will be unplayable. You get to pick which characters will be your included slots once you downgrade to free.

What character classes are available to free players?

The following four classes are available for all players of ‘Age of Conan: Unrated’.

● Barbarian
● Demonologist
● Guardian
● Priest of Mitra

The following classes are only available to Premium subscribers:

● Assassin
● Bear Shaman
● Conqueror
● Dark Templar
● Herald of Xotli
● Necromancer
● Ranger
● Tempest of Set

How much of the game can I actually play for free?

All outdoor playfields in Aquilonia, Cimmeria, and Stygia are available to all players.

How do I get access to the expansion content?

Access to the Khitai content is available via an 'expansion pass' - granting access to all of the expansion areas and dungeons. Anyone who already bought the expansion has this enabled automatically. Subscribers who have not purchased the expansion before do not have access to this unless they buy the 'expansion pass'.

Will we be able to play through all of the dungeon content?

Some of the instanced dungeon content will be completely free, and other will be accessed through new passes or expansion purchases.

Free dungeons:

● Tortage Underhalls (solo)
● Acheronian Ruins (solo)
● Bubshur House (solo)
● Abandoned Smuggler Tunnels (solo)
● The Maze (solo)
● Spider Caverns (solo)
● Border Ranges (solo)
● Outflow Tunnels (solo)
● Ice Cave (solo)
● Cannibal Cave (solo)
● Catacombs (group)
● Toirdealbach’s Tomb (group)
● Prison Colony (group)
● Scorpion Cave (group)
● Caravan Raider Camp (group)
● Atzel’s Fortress (group)
● Onyx Chambers (group)

Premium dungeons:
Access to Premium dungeons will work in several ways. Some access passes are a once off purchase, some allow access for a set duration, and some are linked to expansion content.

● Pyramid of the Ancients (solo) –permanent-only purchase
● Treasury of the Ancients (solo) –permanent-only purchase
● Villa Camillus, Amiel, Verde, Paetus, Lentulus (solo) –permanent-only purchase
● Slaughterhouse Cellar (solo)
● Attilius Mansion (solo) – permanent-only purchase
● Black Castle (group) – permanent-only purchase
● The Cradle of Decay (group) – permanent-only purchase
● Sanctum of the Burning Souls (group) – permanent-only purchase
● The Cistern (group) – permanent-only purchase
● Main System (group) – permanent-only purchase
● Ampitheater of Karutonia (group) – permanent-only purchase
● Halls of Eternal Frost (group)
● Imirian Ravine, Oasis of Zaara, Frost Swamp (group ACG)
● Xibaluku (group)
● Crow’s Nest (group)
● Iron Tower (group)
● Khitai Dungeons - accessed through Rise of the Godslayer expansion purchase

Can a free player take part in all the raids?

Free players may access the beginnings of raids and the raid equipment ladder, but they can’t complete tier 1 without switching to Premium access or purchasing entry to more raids, which will be available in the item store.

Free raids:

● Kylikki’s Crypt
● Yakhmar’s Cave

Premium raids:

● Vistrix's Lair
● Black Ring Citadel (all wings)
● Thoth-Amon’s Stronghold
● All raids in Khitai

Can a free player take part in Sieges?

Free players may purchase time-limited passes to the zones related to sieges (Bori and Borderlands), while subscribers may participate in as many sieges as they like, whenever they like.

How much personal bank space does a free player get?

Free players get access to half of the bank slots that are available to Premium players. In the future, further bank and/or inventory slots will be available for purchase.

Do free players earn Guild Renown?

All players may contribute Valor, Glory, and Artistry to their guilds, regardless of their subscription status.

Do free players gain Alternative Advancement (AA) points?

Free players may not earn AA points, even if they are level 80. These are only available to Premium subscribers. Free players can however purchase items to enable AA point gain in the item shop.

Are there limits to which Mount Training can be done on a free account?

Free players may only ride the horses which require the Basic Riding skill by default. Premium players retain all their mount abilities and may learn to ride swift horses, armored horses, mammoths, rhinos, tigers and wolves as usual.

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Posty: 1409
Dołączył(a): 29.10.2010
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 08:44 
Takie F2P, że grać się nie będzie dało na nim porządnie ;-)

Vilhelm Sandwall
Rats in the Hats
Darkfall New Dawn
POE: ... le/dudriel


Posty: 754
Dołączył(a): 2.02.2011
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 08:47 
Tak samo jak w Lotro ,

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Posty: 2382
Dołączył(a): 2.12.2001
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 09:25 
Na tym polega idea F2P. Nie robia tego charytatywnie, robia to zeby zarobic WIECEJ niz teraz.



Posty: 163
Dołączył(a): 18.02.2006
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 10:03 
Niektóre gry tylko w ten sposób można uratować. Część wydawców się na to decyduję, reszcie by się to przydało. Oczywiście mówię tu o tytułach, które już sobie nie radzą w systemie P2P.

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Posty: 10868
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 10:50 
A ja np. nie tykam nic co ma item shopy i za rl $ gra się łatwiej/szybciej. ;]

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 11:07 
Ja f2p w tytułach, które kiedyś były p2p traktuję po prostu jako rozszerzony trial, gdybym chciał dłużej pograć, to wolałbym wykupić konto premium niż bawić się w farmę punktów.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 11:49 
Keii napisał(a):
Ja f2p w tytułach, które kiedyś były p2p traktuję po prostu jako rozszerzony trial, gdybym chciał dłużej pograć, to wolałbym wykupić konto premium niż bawić się w farmę punktów.

+1. Lotro w tym wzgledzie jest niezle zrobione imo. Mozesz klepac moby 100lat albo kupic sobie przyspieszenie klepania w sklepiku. Dobrze zrobiony item shop to nie jest jakies tam zlo ostateczne. Powtorze: dobrze zrobiony ...



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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 12:09 
IMO przesadzili z tymi klasami. Raczej nie jest to zbyt zachecajace do grania. Ograniczenia dungenow, jasne. Ale klas ?

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 12:24 
Fakt. Mialem o tym napisac w poprzednim poscie ale zapomnialem. Okrojenie klas wyglada slabo. W sumie w LOTRO jest podobnie (Rune Keeper i Warden sa tylko dla VIPow z MoM lub do zakupienia w sklepiku). Jednak tam to nie razi az tak bardzo ...




Posty: 6153
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2008
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 12:26 
Tu sie zgodze ograniczenie kla s to na maxa z dupy poroniony pomysł...

Jest jakieś info co z osobami ktore mialy konta postacie ?

Dobra, w Lotro to rozwiazali duzo lepiej. Tu jak widze wyciskanie kasy na sile.

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Posty: 1463
Dołączył(a): 29.10.2009
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 12:35 
Napisali, że dopóki ktoś ma opłacany abonament i postacie na slotach to będą mieć dalej na premium. Skończy się "abonament / premium " postacie będą zablokowane.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 12:41 
W Lotro mozesz sobie wygrindowac klasy + content bez placenia abonamentu, zbierajac turbine pointy za deedy i inne rzeczy. Imo z AoC powinni pojsc w tym samym kierunku ...



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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 15:31 
Ja tam czekam na Warhammera :D


Posty: 126
Dołączył(a): 25.05.2008
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 16:17 
a tam czekam na Warhammera

True w to bym pogral na free.

Kleiv - [Warcry]
De Marquiz / Marquis Blackk [Spain] - Potbs
Cereminretus - EvE - frozen.


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Posty: 10868
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 18:18 
Macie triala nieograniczonego czasowo, tylko t1, a podobno największa zabawa jest właśnie na tym etapie. Zresztą to kwestia czasu, kiedy to pęknie na f2p z item shopem.


Posty: 6153
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2008
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 18:20 
Jakis czaas temu obstawiałem ,że Aoc będzie f2p i War.Co do Aoc się sprawdziło, a młotek powinnien być f2p przed swotorem, bo po nic im już nie pomoże,(90%) będzie się starwarsować. Zrezta podobno Młotek jest f2p w korei z item shopem, był artykuł na ten temat i przeniesienie tego modelu biznesowego na zachodni rynek po teście w Korei. (Sądziłem, że mlotek będzie przed Onanem f2p)

Ostatnio edytowano 25 maja 2011, 18:26 przez warhameron, łącznie edytowano 2 razy
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Posty: 10868
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 18:23 
Dużo nie trzeba obstawiać jak już dawno wiadomo, że f2p i IS przynoszą większy zysk niż przymierająca gra z abo.


Posty: 6153
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2008
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 18:25 
Ale jak widac EA i Mythic są nie ufni.

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Posty: 10868
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2011, 18:28 
Może chcą pokazać (w szczególności ea) jaką są potęgą i za chuja nie zrobią f2p, nawet jeśli mieli by dokładać do interesu. ;]

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