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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 12:38 
INAL FANTASY XI Job Adjustments Manifesto

Opening Remarks

Job adjustments to this point have been based on the previous level cap at 75, and creating balanced, challenging battle systems in addition to leveling opportunities for players in this environment.

Future job adjustments, however, along with forthcoming battle systems and their accompanying high-level notorious monsters, will be predicated on a level cap at 99.

We are working hard to ensure that each job plays an equally important role in the new systems and NM battles, and we welcome any comments you may have that will help us accomplish this objective.

*Multiple example adjustments follow each job vision. These are provided merely to illustrate the general direction we intend to take each job—actual adjustments implemented may differ from what is written.


* Vision
Damage dealers who use their brawn to continuously pummel foes with a barrage of physical damage, but also use their brains to adapt to the situation at hand.

We will certainly preserve the warrior's physical prowess, which makes it such an imposing damage dealer, but we also want to make it a more flexible attacker. We hope to accomplish through such means as adding abilities that modify weapon properties, making for more enemy-overpowering carnage.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding new ability that would allow warriors to change a weapon's damage type (slashing/blunt/piercing) during combat.
o Adding a new ability that would ensure the next melee attack lands a critical hit.


* Vision
Persistent pugilists whose fists speak louder than words, partially because they also render enemy attacks completely impotent.

We'd like to see monks further mature into an even more supportive attacking role within the party. There's still room to build upon their renowned self-defense tactics such as Chakra and Counter, and they can also benefit from some extra training in skills like Subtle Blow and Chi Blast that leave foes too weak to fend off attacks from other party members.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding a new effect to Boost that increases Chakra's effectiveness or makes Chakra's HP-recovery bonus gradually increase by level.
o Adding a new effect to Chi Blast that reduces an enemy's TP

White Mage

* Vision
Veritable all-purpose physicians that are always on call and ready to provide medical assistance even in the most harrowing situations, they remove status ailments with scalpel-like precision, nurse the dying back to life, and prescribe preventative measures to their party member patients to keep them healthy.

We aim to maintain their status as healing specialists while guiding them to new discoveries in the fields of magic defense and resistance. After mastering these new techniques, they should be able to protect their party members against any subsequent outbreaks of status ailments.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding a new ability that reduces magic damage taken by party members.
o Adding a new spell that removes Charm from a party member.

Black Mage

* Vision
Elemental magic wielders that bring colossal amounts of firepower to the battlefield, yet are weighed down heavily by the responsibility that accompanies such unbridled destruction.

Black mages know their role, and they know what they need to ensure triumph: more powerful magic. We'll continue to introduce elements that increase both the risks and rewards for these potent spellcasters.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding new abilities that increase the likelihood of dealing more elemental magic damage at the cost of greater risk.
o Adding a new ability that makes the next spell cast cost 0 MP.

Red Mage

* Vision
Support specialists who excel at transforming their allies from mere mortals into demigods with their enhancements, while rendering once-formidable enemies impotent with enfeebling magic.

We want to see red mages play a more vital role in HNM battles by making enfeebling magic more effective against high-level notorious monsters and their legendary levels of resistance as well as allowing them to better contribute to party member enhancement.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding abilities that reduce to zero the casting time or recast time for the next spell/ninjutsu/song.
o New enfeebling magic spells.


* Vision
Stealthy pickpockets that duck and weave to land sneak attacks while keeping party enmity under control from the shadows.

We wish to see thieves further develop the cunning they are so aptly known for by providing them with even more means of manipulating enmity and continuing to fatten the party's coffers.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding a new ability that complements Sneak Attack and Trick Attack.
o Raising the chances of successfully executing Steal and Despoil commensurate with Treasure Hunter.
o Adding a new ability that intimidates an enemy in proportion to the number of members in the party.


* Vision
Paragons of virtue who never hesitate to step in and defend their friends in a fight, nor to take the brunt of enemy attacks while wearing the heaviest armor imaginable.

We respect the unselfish and bold nature of the paladin, so we plan on further developing their ability to maintain control of battles and keeping others out of harm's way, if only temporarily.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding a new ability that reduces the amount of damage taken by a party member for one hit.
o Adding a new ability that slows enmity reduction.

Dark Knight

* Vision
Purveyors of pain who can inflict crippling amounts of damage upon enemies while hardly breaking a a cost that not many are willing to pay.

We intend to give dark knights a change of pace and introduce abilities that allow them to sacrifice something other than HP or MP to tap into veins of unrivaled strength.

* Example Adjustments
o A new ability that sacrifices TP gain to make attacks more powerful.
o A new ability that raises the amount of damage the dark knight takes, but also raises the amount of magic and elemental weapon skill damage it deals.


* Vision
Charmers (not necessarily the kind that would buy you a drink at the local tavern) and masters of animal communication that tame feral beasts and call them forth as pets to aid in combat and provide support to their allies.

We plan to broaden the range of monsters that beastmasters can coax into becoming their pets. Furthermore, we'd like to see beastmasters shed their reputation as lone wolves by endowing their pets with more abilities that provide assistance to party members.

* Example Adjustments
o A new ability to call forth pets that, like the avatars Odin and Alexander, immediately use their characteristic ability then disappear.
o Adding more pet-specific abilities.
o Revising the effects of the Familiar ability.


* Vision
Singing saviors who are constantly called upon to rouse a party to action with a marching tune, fortify a friend by playing an operetta, and countless other forms of succor.

While bards already possess a remarkable repertoire when it comes to enhancing and enfeebling, we want to expand their musical horizons into new genres that affect categories such as magic defense.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding a new song that reduces enemy magic defense.
o Revising enemy resistance to Foe Requiem.
o Adding a new ability that increases the effectiveness of the next song sung.


* Vision
Hunters who use the wisdom they gain from tracking Vana'dielian beasts to deliver excruciatingly painful and precise attacks from long range, yet almost never draw the target's attention away from the front lines.

We plan to enhance rangers' ability to stay out of sight and out of the minds of their targets while rewarding their long-distance efforts.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding the effect of Subtle Blow to ranged attacks that are unleashed from a suitable distance.
o Adding an effect to ranged attacks from an enemy's side or back that reduces enmity.
o Adding an ability that increases enmity towards party members positioned between the ranger and his/her target.


* Vision
Assiduous martial artists who become one with their weapons, enabling them to display flair and persistence when eviscerating those who dare challenge them.

We aim to give samurai the opportunity to hone their weapon skill proficiency down to a science, thus allowing them to walk further down the path of constant damage dealers.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding an ability that increases accuracy and damage of weapon skills.
o Adding an ability that augments the next weapon skill used with a TP bonus.


* Vision
Masters of ninjutsu who can handle both offense and defense, adjusting to the tides of battle at a moment's notice.

We'd like to see ninjas succeed at taking the heat off other party members by drawing enemies' attention and adroitly evading their attacks or slinking around in the shadows to strike with physical attacks and elemental ninjutsu while the target is otherwise occupied.

* Example Adjustments
o New abilities that make it possible to turn aside enemy attacks and abilities.
o Adding a new ninjutsu that increases the effectiveness of one's own Store TP trait.


* Vision
Experts with the lance who can take command of any battle with their wyverns, which can either deal heaping helpings of pain or relieve their party with a reinvigorating breath.

We aim to make jumping a more dynamic aspect of dragoons' fighting style and to have wyverns evolve into more versatile allies with the ability to enfeeble enemies.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding the effect of reducing magic resistance to certain wyvern breath attacks.
o Adding an ability that makes wyverns more difficult to KO.
o Adding an effect to Jump, High Jump, and Super Jump that reduces enmity of the player behind the dragoon.


* Vision
Mystics who conjure avatars to fight by their sides, then sit back and enjoy the show while paying close attention to their MP as their minions deliver devastating blows to adversaries and provide aid to allies

We intend to make it easier for avatars to wreak havoc upon enemies, but also emphasize how vital the act of managing the source of their magical powers is to summoners.

* Example Adjustments
o A new ability that expends an additional amount of MP to shorten the recast time for blood pacts.
o Introducing the avatars Cait Sith and Atomos.

Blue Mage

* Vision
Veritable shape shifters on the battlefield who adjust their tactics to fit the constantly changing nature of a conflict, thanks to their combat-hardened veteran's experience, knowledge, and quick thinking.

We'd like to see blue mages live up to their Imperial roots and become even more versatile by adding new blue magic spells to their repertoire as well as high-level notorious monster abilities.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding new blue magic spells
o Additional HNM moves for the blue mage to learn.


* Vision
Gamblers at heart who share the benefits of their dice-rolling antics with a wider audience than bards' melodies, yet place themselves in debt when they bust.

Being a corsair is a risky profession, and we aim to keep it that way by upping the ante-extracting every conceivable onz of power from its support skills while preserving the risk that accompanies busting.

* Example Adjustments
o Allowing three phantom rolls to be in effect at the same time.
o Adding an ability that increases the effectiveness of phantom rolls.
o Revising the potency of certain rolls.


* Vision
Puppetmasters feel comfortable in almost any type of role thanks to their automatons, but countless hours of research is needed to create the perfect puppet to deal with various and sundry situations.

We want to bring out the unique characteristics inherent in each automaton via creative new attachments as well as abilities that extract the potential latent in each frame.

* Example Adjustments
o Introducing an assortment of new attachments.
o Adding an ability that restores an automaton's HP.


* Vision
Versatile entertainers who can both easily stand up for themselves in a brawl by trotting out sambas and steps to enfeeble their unlucky opponents, as well as stand on the front lines and invigorating their fellow party members with a dance.

We not only want dancers to continue to star as spectacular solo artists, but to enhance their teamwork skills and perform even better in ensemble casts as well.

* Example Adjustments
o Introducing an ability that consumes TP to imbue party members with the Regain effect.
o Adding an ability that allows for a triple attack.


* Vision
Students in the art of war who employ stratagems to alter the tide of battle along with elemental magic to support their allies and annihilate their foes.

We wish for scholars to further their education in order to become absolute masters of their art, and the latter stages of their research will produce skills comparable to those of a white or black mage whose spells may take time to cast, but compensate with both the bliss and destruction they beget.

* Example Adjustments
o Adding spells which gradually reduce an enemy's TP or status enhancements.
o Adding a spell that can be cast while under the effect of Tabula Rasa.

And these job adjustments barely scratch the surface of our ambitious plans! Expect to see the following alterations and improvements as well.

* Additional Planned Adjustments
o Weapon skill refinements
o Adjustments to enfeebling magic
o Revisions to job-specific merit point enhancement attributes.


Posty: 1471
Dołączył(a): 28.04.2009
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 12:51 
Sounds Fun, zobaczymy jak już jakieś konkrety podadzą, ciekawe co na 99 będzie bandwagon :).


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 14:07 
"Additional HNM moves for the blue mage to learn. "

wow - w sumie na razie jest jeden "Reaving Wind" - i to od takiego pseudo hnma

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 14:48 
Huckster napisał(a):
"Additional HNM moves for the blue mage to learn. "

wow - w sumie na razie jest jeden "Reaving Wind" - i to od takiego pseudo hnma

Poczytaj troche fora:

266/69 = ???: ???
266/71 = Hippogryphs: Jettatura (copy)
266/72 = Golems: Heavy Strike
266/73 = Behemoth: Thunderbolt
266/88 = Poroggo: Water Bomb
266/89 = Adamantoise: Harden Shell
265/103 = Marid: Barrier Tusk
265/105 = Ruszor: Frozen Mist (?)
265/106 = Ladybug: Sudden Lunge

Jeszcze wiecej epeen JA i jeszcze wieksza uzytecznosc. Generalnie przegiety job.

Mnk dostaje jakies gowna wlasciwie, ale ma to sens poniewaz jest teraz on top i dodanie mu wiecej pozytecznych JA byloby przegieciem. Tylko czmeu to rozumieja w przypadku MNK a nie rozumiaja w przypadku WAR?

W pewnym sensie nerf dopiero co ulepszonego Aegisa, bo prawdopodobnie z tym JA WHMa zmniejszajacym magic damage i jeszcze 50% MDT Aegis znowu nie bedzie potrzebny do niczego i bedzie 100% lepiej fulltimowac Ochaina. Zdejmowanie charm bardzo przydatne, jeszcze by sie przydalo zdejmowanie amnesia.

Ida dalej w kierunku suicidal DD. Ma to sens bo czyni mana wall i enmity douse uzytecznymi tak samo jak wszystkie nowe Ja ktore beda kontrolowac enmity.

Chyba im sie cos pojebalo. Jakie RDM ma "enhancements" ktore czynia party members demigodami lol. BRD, COR, WHM juz szybciej.

Back to TH whore lol

Dalej go puszkuja a zapominaja o tym ze ma problemy z robieniem enmity szczegolnie bez almace poza abyssea.

To jest wogole jakis zart mam nadzieje ze ktos im wytlumaczy jak debilne sa te pomysly. Zeby chociaz to mialo zwiekszac damage z physical WS kosztem HP to jeszcze spoko, ale magic WSy.. wtf?

Calkiem spoko i sensownie.

To samo co BST chociaz w obydwu przypadkach malo pomyslowo.

Super zmiany. Ragni sie cieszy ze swojej polowy Annihilatora :D Teraz Anni bedzie nawet lepszy bo do hateless WS dojdzie jeszcze obnizony hate z ratt wiec bedzie mozna napierac na maxa :D Jesli ten pseudo trick attack bedzie na zasadzie ze caly hate idzie na osobe pomiedzy to juz widze 5-20k barrage na tankow hahahah.

Kochane JAPsy dlugo nie wytrzymaly z Samurajem nie bedacym overpowered. No i prosze zaraz po update stawiajacym go wlasciwie na topie DD ( jakby ktos nie wiedzial Hasso teraz daje 15% zanshin na trafionych attakach i taka runda daje ponad 60TP co umozliwia wlasciwie na 50% 3hit build czyli wlasciwie co 3 WS round jest wystarczajaco szybki zeby zrobic self skillchain z poprzednim...) dojebia go jeszcze bardziej zeby kazde fudo poza abyssea robilo minimum 4k a SC z 6 ^^ :) Czas zrobic Masamune ^^

Bardzo ciekawe ninjutsu i chyba ciekawe JA. Dobrze rozumiem ze to JA na jakis czas czyni NINa odpornym na ataki i JA moba? Taki Fanatic Drink job ability?

Na sile probuja z niego zrobic unikatowe narzenie kontrolowania enmity. Zobaczymy co z tego wyjdzie.

Bardzo ciekawe JA dla Taru szczegolnie jesli wykorzysta potencjal pomyslu. Jesli bedzie mozna spamowac blood pacty co 20 sekund np to SMN sporo zyska. SMN i tak jest teraz bardzo przydatny ale niestety tylko w duzych grupach kiedy BRD WHM COR sa juz obecni

Wiecej blue magic. Nic nowego ale oczywiscie ma to jak zawsze spory potencjal.

Szykuje sie spory boost. 3 rolle to juz naprawde poteny buff. +20%DA, +100att i +16%crit rate to solidna sprawa.

To samo co BST. Przewidywalne i racjonalne.

Majac 70% itemow na Twashtara maluje mi sie na twarzy duzy banan :)
Regain i triple attack oh yeah babe.

Bardzo zagadkowy jest ten special spell w czasie tabula rasa. Bedzie smiechowo jak SCH a nie BLM dostanie jeden z epic spelli typu Comet, Meteor, Death.



Ostatnio edytowano 15 lip 2011, 15:29 przez Bartelius, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 15:14 
Więcej stp nie zaszkodzi, blu cieszy- nie mogę się doczekać nauki spike flail :p
Ator to co napisałeś jest w datsach a nie w grze do użytku dla blu więc Huck ma rację :p

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 1471
Dołączył(a): 28.04.2009
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 15:18 
Taa BLU dostanie extremly bad breath z instant KO mobków AOE i inne takie kwiatki :D.


Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 15:31 
Targaryen napisał(a):
Więcej stp nie zaszkodzi, blu cieszy- nie mogę się doczekać nauki spike flail :p
Ator to co napisałeś jest w datsach a nie w grze do użytku dla blu więc Huck ma rację :p

Te BLU spelle zostaly dodane w tym update Rhae. Jest oczywiste ze przemycili je pod nastepny update w ktorym dodadza je juz jako spelle do uzytku.


Tu amsz video ze wszystkimi spellami/ja dodanymi do datsow w tym update.
Zawsze tak robili i nie ma w tym nic nowego. Jest szansa ze z czegos zrezygnuja lub cos lekko zmienia w ostatnim momencie ale 95% zostanie jak jest.




Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 16:22 
Bartelius napisał(a):
Huckster napisał(a):
"Additional HNM moves for the blue mage to learn. "

wow - w sumie na razie jest jeden "Reaving Wind" - i to od takiego pseudo hnma

Poczytaj troche fora:

Wow - wreszcie Ato mogę napisać to co ty zawsze: CZYTAJ CO PISZĘ.

Napisałem, że na razie jest jeden, a nie, że kolejne mają być.

To co napisałeś czytałem i widziałem też animacje do tego u Spiry.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 17:06 
Huckster napisał(a):
Bartelius napisał(a):
Huckster napisał(a):
"Additional HNM moves for the blue mage to learn. "

wow - w sumie na razie jest jeden "Reaving Wind" - i to od takiego pseudo hnma

Poczytaj troche fora:

Wow - wreszcie Ato mogę napisać to co ty zawsze: CZYTAJ CO PISZĘ.

Napisałem, że na razie jest jeden, a nie, że kolejne mają być.

To co napisałeś czytałem i widziałem też animacje do tego u Spiry.

Chodzilo mi o "wow".

Skoro czytales to od kilku dni wiesz ze beda HNM tp moves i nawet wiesz jakie wiec skad "wow"?



Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 lip 2011, 17:21 
No wlasnie Huck, jak mozesz byc taki nieobojetcy wobec tak starego info :p


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 16 lip 2011, 12:34 
Wezcie go...

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 12 sie 2011, 23:26 
Poniewaz pewnie malo kto przeglada oficjalne forum, a S-E co troche postuje male wywiady zwiazane z planami dla kazdej profesji przekleje te info tutaj. Sporo czytania, ale moze kogos zainteresuje co szykuja dla jego profesji.


“Adding the effect of reducing magic resistance to certain wyvern breath attacks” is the same effect as elemental ninjutsu spells, isn’t it? Additionally, you are able to select your ninjutsu, so shouldn’t you add some kind of selection process to this, too?
The effect will be different than elemental ninjutsu spells.

During the most recent version update, the following feature was introduced: “During the window of time in which players may perform magic bursts after a skillchain, the target's resistance to the skillchain's corresponding element(s) will now decrease.” Along those same lines, we are considering making the same adjustment to a wyvern’s breath attack. This effect would be added to the breath itself, so you won’t need to worry about intricate timing to reap the benefits.

In regards to whether we can make it possible to select the type of elemental breath to use, since it’s already possible to do this with support jobs and the drachen armet, we are planning to keep it as is for now.

For the ability that makes wyverns more difficult to KO, would the recast time be really long? Is this going to be a base reduction in damage they sustain, adding a really potent regen, or something completely different?
The recast time really depends on the effect we introduce, but we are not at the stage where we can divulge any details. However, we are aware that wyverns are quite easily KOed and feel this is a very important point.

As for the specific stats, we are thinking more along the lines of a stoneskin-like effect.

Wouldn’t “adding an effect to Jump, High Jump, and Super Jump that reduces enmity of the player behind the dragoon” off-set its usability?

1) Since Spirit Jump/Soul Jump is so powerful, if a wyvern is present, Jump/High Jump is not used.
2) Since the current ability range is short, in order to shed enmity on a back-row job, wouldn’t they have to run into the enemy’s attack range? It seems like it would be necessary to increase the jump range as well as give separate recast timers for each one.
We are also aware of these things and will be looking into it.

Make the haste effect from Spirit Surge just like the haste of Hasso and Last Resort (desperate blows), not magic-related haste. Also, make it so our wyverns don’t disappear upon its use.
Since it’s a two-hour ability, we will be looking into the haste-related aspect of the ability. However, in regards to wyverns disappearing, since players’ stats are boosted significantly more than when the wyvern is present we plan on keeping it the way it is for now.

Make Angon’s defense down effect higher in priority so it cannot be overwritten.
We will be looking into this along with the revamping of merit point job categories.

Make it possible for wyverns to grow in size and let us ride on them.
While we really want to make is possible to ride wyverns and have them grow in size, unfortunately system wise this is difficult. (It MIGHT be possible to make them bigger though...)


Instead of increasing the chances of successfully executing Steal and Despoil, can you actually add some attractive items to monsters for us to target?
By adding attractive items to monsters, we fear that it would be re-creating the scenario from the past regarding beastcoins (stealing and then hiding right after), making this pretty difficult to implement. If there were a good countermeasure for this it could work, but currently revamping or adding items to monsters is quite difficult.

Steal has no effect on notorious monsters…
That’s what Aura Steal is for! The effects stolen by Aura Steal are essentially the raw stats that the monster possesses.

Make Aura Steal its own ability.
We believe making Aura Steal a separate ability would be over-powered. If we did do this, it’s likely that its use on notorious monsters would be removed and it would have even less of an effect than it does now.

Add Aura Steal to Despoil as well.
Though we haven’t decided if it will be Aura Steal or not, we do have some rough plans for adding some kind of additional effect to Despoil.

Split up the recast timers for Steal and Despoil.
We are looking into separating the two. However, we are close to reaching a point where there are too many recast timers going on simultaneously, so this isn't something we can implement right away.

With ranger getting Treasure Hunter, dancer getting Triple Attack, and warrior having critical hits, I feel like all of thief’s big selling points have been taken away by other jobs.
While thieves possess superior stats for all of the above, we do understand your concerns. I apologize that I can’t go into detail about specific abilities, but we are planning to make adjustments so that thieves are really able to shine.

Add Subtle Blow to thief.
Due to the fact that normal attacks now increase the effects of Treasure Hunter, we chose to forgo the addition of Subtle Blow as a trade off.

I really hope that the new ability that complements Sneak Attack and Trick Attack is not on a shared recast timer with one of the two abilities.
Don’t worry, it will be separate!


Extend the maneuver duration.
The maneuver duration, recast time, and overload are all balanced very subtly; through maneuvers, the automaton’s operability, as well as the frame and attachments, are largely affected. Due to this, we plan to create balance by adding and adjusting attachments and abilities without changing the operations of the base maneuvers.

Make it possible to select the timing of ability, magic, and WS execution.
In regards to abilities, we are making adjustments based on the original execution timing, however, for weapon skills we are looking into making it possible to select the execution timing manually. For magic, we believe the top priority is the revamping of recast times, so once we finalize those adjustments we plan on looking into being able to select the timing for that, as well.

Extend the range of Deploy.
We understand that there are times this is inconvenient for ranged/mage frames. We will look into increasing the distance for using Deploy.

Make it so my automaton does not keep casting silence on monsters that are not affected by silence.
With the current system, Scanner will detect resist rates, so by using a Scanner it should make it so your automaton does not cast this.
However, if there is even a small chance that the monster uses magic, the automaton will start to cast silence. The chance of there being a bug related to this isn’t impossible, so we will be checking on this.

Also, if you have any feedback such as “I don’t want silence to be cast on enemies that are highly resistant to silence” (ex: Make it so it doesn’t cast silence when the resist rate is over 60%) please make sure to let us know.

Make curing a priority over curing status ailments when HP is low.
We are looking into changing the automaton behavior. Since this is something that we have received a lot of feedback about we will be looking into it, but since the workings of the automaton logic are so complex it will take some time.

Make a separate recast timer for each type of magic.
We understand how you feel and are looking into separating the recast timers.

Would like to save attachment sets.
While we would like to do something for this, we would first need to perform a lot of work to revamp the user interface, so this will be difficult to accomplish right away. Sorry

Get rid of the consumption aspect for attachments that consume maneuvers.
We plan on revamping attachment stats, so there is a possibility that we make it so that there is no consumption of maneuvers. This doesn’t mean that we will be adjusting every attachment for this, but we will be looking at each one separately. If you have any feedback please let us know!

Revamp the negative aspects of the tactical processor, drum magazine, and other attachments.
We will be performing adjustments on attachments that need adjusting as necessary.

Add Subtle Blow to automatons.
Planning to implement this in the form of an attachment.

Add a method to gain volatile hate with the Valoredge frame.
We are thinking about making adjustments in the form of attachments, not on the automaton or puppetmaster side. For example, how does implementing Strobe II sound?

Increase the physical damage resistance of the Valoredge frame.
Currently, we are thinking more in the direction of implementing superior lubricant, such as Lubricant +3, instead of directly increasing the physical resistance.

The sharpshot frame’s ranged attacks don’t crit…
It doesn’t crit because it is recognized as a special ability. We are looking into it.

Reduce the attack delay for the sharpshot frame.
First we will be revamping attachments that need adjustments. After that we will take a look at the balance and look into this.

Fix the issue where the sharpshot frame’s ranged attack damage is severely lowered depending on distance.
We definitely understand. Since automatons are different than player characters, and it is difficult to adjust the positioning of the automaton, we are looking into easing up or even eliminating the distance factor.

Add a MP recovery type WS to the stormwaker frame.
We would like to look into new automaton WS ideas, however, since you can recover MP through Deactivate/Activate and by using the Mana Converter, we think it would be better to look at different effects.

Can you make Magic Mortar a bit easier to use?
The damage is calculated as a special WS, however, we will be looking into making this easier to use while making use of its special properties since we hear a lot of people saying it keeps doing zero damage…

Ostatnio edytowano 12 sie 2011, 23:39 przez Gokulo, łącznie edytowano 2 razy
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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 12 sie 2011, 23:28 

I want an ability that will reduce the TP cost for the next WS to 0.
That's an interesting idea!
However, this may be a little too powerful, so I'll look into it with balance in mind.

I want an ability like “Tactician’s Roll” that provides TP regain to party members.
This ability may be possible if it consumes your TP like “Shikikoyo” does. I will look into this.

I would like the damage for auto-attack or weapon skills in general increased.
Since we are working towards “providing balanced damage while taking advantage of the skills and the amount of WSs,” this will be difficult to implement. I will look into this carefully, because increasing damage even in the slightest way may greatly increase the total output that’s possible.

I would like an ability that automatically triggers stun when the enemy uses an ability or WS.
We are not looking into an ability that could automatically trigger stun, because this will make the skill level of the player obsolete.

I would like the requirements removed for the "ability that increases accuracy and damage of weapon skills” and the “ability that augments the next weapon skill used with a TP bonus” so that they can be used at any time.
The "ability that increases accuracy and damage of weapon skills” is just an example, so it is possible that the requirements will be altered before being finalized.

As long as the effects for the “ability that augments the next weapon skill used with a TP bonus” are active, you can use a WS at any time to receive the TP bonus.

I don’t want the two example abilities in the manifesto to share the same recast timer with existing abilities.
Don’t worry, they will have separate recast timers.

I would like both of the example abilities in the manifesto to be job traits.
Currently, we are working on implementing these as abilities.

I would like the damage the enemy inflicts to be reduced drastically, or be invulnerable to status effects while the effects of the "ability that increases accuracy and damage of weapon skills” are active.
I really like the idea of the damage the enemy inflicts being reduced if you complete a weapon skill during the enemy’s ability/weapon skill. However, if you are invulnerable to damage and status effects, you will be practically invincible, so something like this will be very difficult to implement.

Get rid of the spell casting penalty while under the effects of Hasso/Seigan.
As a result of exploring this from many angles, we need to put off the elimination of this penalty. Since the basic stats of Hasso/Seigan are really high, we plan on looking into enhancing the convenience of these abilities through merit points and/or equipment, more than heading in a direction where we would support more spells casting. Due to the fact that these are abilities with long effect durations, please understand that you can’t really compare these abilities side-by-side to the abilities that elicit a strong effect but have a short duration/special requirements.

Make it so the effect of Third Eye doesn’t get stripped by AoE attacks.
We balanced Third Eye to be special for single target attacks allowing the possibility to evade single target abilities/attacks multiple times and have rendered it powerless against AoE attacks.

Increase the damage of weapon skills against high level enemies.
In the case of weapon skills that do not have “damage varies with TP” or “ignores enemy’s defense, amount ignored varies with TP” it has become necessary to enhance the attack power or adjust them in some way so it they deal steady damage. Tachi: Yukikaze, Tachi: Gekko, and Tachi: Kasha are weapon skills that ignore defense, thus it has become easier to deal steady damage with them compared to other weapon skills.

In the case of monsters that have damage resistance, all jobs are in the same boat, so we will deal with this theme separately.

Increase skillchain damage.
The potential skill chain damage is not low for samurais that use the job ability “Sengikori” paired with the skill chain bonus job trait, however, we are aware that you can’t get the most out of these stats against high level monsters since skillchain damage is easily resisted, so we plan on fixing this aspect.

Add weapon skills with Additional Effect: Amnesia and Additional Effect: Terror.
Through constant weapon skills you would be able to overwrite the effect and essentially lock an enemy completely, so we are thinking it would be necessary to explore an alternative route such as an ability with a recast timer or maybe even just tone down the effect a bit.

Add a job trait or ability that gives conserve TP/save TP and/or regain.
Using weapon skills and relying on TP is the best part and core aspect of samurai. This being said we will be looking into a variety of things.

I want to dual wield a great katana and a katana.
This is an interesting idea, but there would be a great deal to look into, almost as much as if we were to add another job, so implementing this right now would be difficult.

It might be possible to add samurai to the jobs able to wield katanas as well as add native katana skill to samurais, but if we don't add any advantages for samurai there wouldn’t be a strong effect.

What about adding a “Iai” ability (the act of drawing your sword in quick motion)?
We will take this into consideration for ability ideas!


Job Abilities
I would like the effects of “Light Arts/Dark Arts” to increase proportionately to your level.
We plan on making this adjustment. We would like players that play scholar as their main job to receive more benefits than those utilizing it as a support job.

I want to be able to look up the enemy’s stats, weaknesses and amount of TP it has using "Libra."
We are working on this, but we are unsure whether we will change the effects of "Libra," or use a different method. It is possible that we will use an ability other than "Libra."

I am very worried that with the upcoming changes scholar’s spells cannot be landed easily when fighting against HNMs.
We don’t have plans on making it so that it will be impossible to land spells. However, rather than adjusting the rate that spells are resisted, the occurrence of enfeebling effects and the duration of the effects will fluctuate.

For Storm-related spells, I would like additional effects related to element to be added in addition to obtaining weather effects.
We will look into adding this as an additional effect for “Stormsurge” when we rework merit points.

What new spells are you thinking about adding for Tabula Rasa?
We got some data about the planned spells!

Target: Single (Can be made AoE through the use of stratagems)
Effect: Regen + Regain + Haste (Values/duration are under development)
Usage Level: 5~ (Under the effects of Tabula Rasa only)
Skill Type: Enhancing Magic

Target: Single (Can be made AoE through the use of stratagems)
Effect: Damage + Damage over Time (DoT effect depends on the initial damage)
Usage Level: 5~ (Under the effects of Tabula Rasa only)
Skill Type: Dark Magic


I would like the amount of charges for stratagems increased.
We will look into this, but balancing charges is surprisingly complicated, so we will need some time to work on this.

I would like Adloquium’s regain effect, when used in conjunction with Rapture, increased.
We may be able to work on a slight increase. However, considering that Rapture can be used relatively frequently, a drastic increase would be unlikely.

I would like Modus Veritas to land every time.
We have intentionally balanced its current effect with the possibility of misses in mind, so we do not plan on going back to the previous effects.

I would like the recast time for Modus Veritas to be shortened.
Since there are many requirements for this ability to take effect, we will look into reducing the recast time along with making the ability easier to use.

I want haste and fast cast effects to be added to Celerity and Alacrity.
We can look into this. However, if this were to be implemented, we would need to look into negative effects like slow, too.

I want the effects of Accession to apply to my alliance members as well.
Spreading the effects of Accession to the alliance will disrupt the balance of this ability compared with similar spells and abilities, so we aren’t considering this.

I would like Manifestation to be able to make Elemental Magic AoE.
We will continue to look into this, but the effects of spells that are turned into AoE by Manifestation are weakened, so adjustments to maintain that balance would also be necessary. Please be aware that implementing this will take a lot of time.


Make it possible to use Cure V.
In regards to support capability, we’re thinking more in the direction of adjustments that will differ from white mage.

Instead of just simply adding a high-tier Cure, we’re looking into making it so scholars can raise their performance further by enhancing the effects of stratagem use and regen-type magic. However, this doesn’t mean that we won’t be adding a high-tier Cure later down the line.

Make it so Reraise can be cast on other party members via AoE spell casting.
While this isn’t impossible, we would need to change the magic rules and it would take some time to do so. Additionally, we would need to consider the fact that other jobs would then be able to do this as well and adjustments would be necessary.

Add a spell that enhances the rate of magic criticals.
We would like to look into adding an effect to storm spells so that the magic critical rate will increase for the respective element when you are under their effects.

Add spells that decrease an enemy’s evasion and TP gain.
We are planning to add a higher tier Gravity as a spell to reduce an enemy’s evasion. We will also be looking into spells that give the effect of subtle blow.

Add spells that increase WS damage.
Though careful adjustments are necessary in regards to balance, we would like to look into this.

Similar to “Decoy” from FFXII, add a buff that turns you into a decoy and eliminates the effect when an enemy casts Dispel on you.
Balance wise, there is a chance this is possible if it only covers a single enhancement effect. It would probably have a weak effect against special abilities that remove multiple enhancement effects at once. In the case that this were made into an ability, when considering the stats, the recast timer would probably be quite long.

Add sphere-type spells.
For sphere effects, there would be no way of handling the opposite enfeebling effects, such as Slow versus Haste effects. This makes it an extremely powerful spell, so from a balance perspective it will not be easy to do.

Add a spell that makes it so a player’s pet can intimidate a monster.

This is something that seems like it would be better suited to explore with pet jobs than scholar.

Add powerful spells and abilities that can only be used by scholar.
You all have been posting a ton of ideas about this!

We are currently looking over all of them and considering each and every one. Please give us a bit of time so we can work on some plans.


Time for some ranger love! Remember, keep the feedback and comments coming, and we'll do our best to address it!

I want the ranged attack distance correction functionality to be removed.
The distance correction functionality of ranged attacks greatly affects rangers, and based on the opinions of players, we understand that some kind of adjustment is necessary.

With that said, simply removing the distance correction functionality will not solve every problem, so we are working on adjusting the system to be more positive.

Even if the distance correction functionality can’t be removed, I at least want the range of the “sweet spot” to be increased.
We will look into this as part of the adjustments stated above.

I want the range of ranged attacks to be farther than spells.
This will make it extremely easy to dominate worm type monsters, so we have no plans of extending the range of ranged attacks.

Blast Arrow is commonly used as a close range WS, so it shouldn’t be affected by distance correction functionality.
We will look into some kind of adjustment.

I don’t like that TP is consumed even if a WS is not successful because it is out of range.
It is pretty heartbreaking when you misfire, isn’t it? This is a problem that occurs frequently for rangers that keep their distance in battles, so we will look into devising a solution.

I would like hate to decrease proportionately to your distance from the enemy.
This is part of the distance correction, but we are looking into lowering hate when using ranged attacks from the enemy’s sides or rear. Also, some ranged attack weapon skills have effects related to hate, which will also be taken into consideration.

How long will the "ability that increases enmity towards party members positioned between the ranger and his/her target" last?
This ability will last around 3 minutes, and effects will take place for every ranged attack during this time. We do not plan on implementing a long recast time.

I would like the effects of Subtle Blow to take place regardless of distance.
We are currently debating how the effects of Subtle Blow will be implemented. We are also working on adjustments for sweet spots and ranged attacks, so all of this will be decided in a balanced way. Either way, Subtle Blow will be applied with abilities, rather than as a constant job trait.

I would like Eagle Eye Shot to be reevaluated. It is a big gamble, but as you reach higher levels, it sometimes yields less damage than weapon skills.
Eagle Eye Shot has the advantage of having high accuracy, but we are looking into adding additional benefits. We think it will be best if we can add some kind of benefits other than simply yielding high damage.

I would like a hate reset effect to be added to Camouflage.
We currently have no plans of adding an ability that resets hate for ranger. We suggest forming a party with a job that can control hate, such as thief, to get around this issue.

I would like Rapid Shot to be activated every time.
This will be very difficult, since Snapshot is a trait that can be enhanced to further reduces the time in between ranged attacks, and these two would become very similar.

I would like the recast time for Stealth Shot to be lowered.
We would like to look into this when reviewing merit points, but we think that the effects of Stealth Shot are sufficient as is, so this is pretty unlikely.

Ostatnio edytowano 12 sie 2011, 23:32 przez Gokulo, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 12 sie 2011, 23:31 
Dark Knight:

Make it so we can deal large amounts of damage proportionate to the amount of risk taken.
Just as shown in the concept, we will be making adjustments so that you can temporarily deal larger amounts of damage compared to other jobs.

Include “attackers specialized in absorption” to the concept and make adjustments based on this.
Don’t think that we will not be considering things that were not mentioned in the concept.The core of adjustments will be what is outlined in the concepts, but we will be making adjustments to enhance and spruce them up.

We are aware of your requests for changes/additions revolving around absorption and we are looking into new ideas for it besides just Drain, Aspir, and the other existing absorb-type spells.

Get rid of the Souleater resistance on NMs.
This will really depend on balance adjustments between the stats of Souleater itself and a monster’s strength. For right now, from a balance perspective we believe it is difficult to get rid of the resistance.

Add an ability that adds to your attack when taking damage.
In the next version update we will be adding an ability that raises your attack power when taking damage. The effect can be used with both physical and magical damage.

Add a job trait that raises magic attack.
We are looking into implementing an ability that converts a large amount of MP into increased magic attack. When using this you will also receive a stronger Occult Acumen effect.

Increase our parry skill so that we can receive a larger benefit from Tactical Parry.
First as an overall adjustment, we will be revamping the difficulty of increasing parry skill. After this, the next step will be skill adjustments for each class.

Add Fast Cast specific for Dark Magic.
We will look into it. We will make it so dark knight is the most affluent with Stun, Drain, and other Dark Magic.

Revamp the MP cost and recast time on Dread Spikes.
We will be grouping this with the Dark Magic adjustments written above, so we are thinking to address this through Dark Magic Fast Cast.

Make it so it’s possible to absorb MP with Aspir from enemies that do not have MP.
It would be kind of strange to absorb something that does not exist, so if we were to adjust Aspir we would be looking into it from a different direction.

Increase the effect of absorb spells.
For absorb-type spells we will first be looking into removing the time decay of stats that were absorbed. After this, we plan on making adjustments to the effects.

Add Stun II.
When considering the current properties and potency of Stun, we are not thinking of adding another stun at this time.


※I believe there are a lot of players who are interested in the effects and duration of “Blood Pact” so I plan on addressing it in the follow-up post. (I understand that some of you may be disappointed about this, but please be a little patient!)

Please provide specific details on the effects of “a new ability that expends an additional amount of MP to shorten the recast time for blood pacts.”
For example, we are thinking about something like, “reset the recast time by expending a set amount of MP.” As we have stated in the threads for other jobs, this is just one example.

There is a possibility of the effects being changed drastically, so please keep posting your feedback.

I would like Blood Pacts to be changed to the charge format.
This would drastically change the operation of Blood Pacts, so we have no plans of making this change. We plan on adjusting the timing of Blood Pacts by adding an ability that shortens the recast time.

Is it possible to interlock the avatar’s attacks with the summoner’s weapon skills (as in Wyvern’s breath)?
Being able to issue commands to avatars is a unique advantage for summoners, so it is best to initiate avatar attacks through the summoner’s commands.

I would like the pet command “Stay” to be added.
We have no plans to add the “Stay” command outside of beastmasters.

I would like unique stats added to each avatar, such as increased attack for Ifrit and increased evasion for Garuda.
By implementing different stats for each avatar, we are afraid certain avatars will be selected disproportionately frequently and the variance of avatars will be limited. There is a possibility of being able to alter the stats of avatars by equipping gear, but basically we would like avatars to be chosen based on their elements.
I would like En/Spike effects added to avatars.
This might be good. We will think about this.

I would like the elemental resistances that avatars have to been given to party members.
This is pretty similar to Avatar’s Favor. What about adding this effect through merit points?

Any possibility you can enhance the Evoker’s Ring?
If you have to surpass a challenging quest, then we will look into it. Simply just enhancing it would be a bit hard to justify.

Let summoners use the weapon skills for staff that can only be used by specific jobs/support jobs.
We understand how you feel. We received similar requests for other jobs/weapon skills and we will be looking into it.


We would like the enmity cap to be raised.

When considering the nature of the game, we would like to leave the enmity cap as it is currently and focus instead on specific adjustments for each job.

Add an ability that has a high amount of enmity like Provoke.

We are currently looking into adjustments that will make it possible for paladins to up the amount of enmity they gain in situations where party members’ enmity is steadily rising due to high damage output. However, as was shown in the concept, instead of an ability like Provoke that gives a spike in enmity, we are focusing more on the direction of adding elements that will allow of enmity gain as a part of defense and being able to maintain a high amount of enmity that has been accumulated.

Add an ability like in Ballista where you can constantly hold a target’s attention for a set period of time.

This seems like it would be a good stat to be granted during Invincible. We will look into it.

It’s really rough trying to maintain the focus of enemies that have enmity reset abilities. Do you have anything planned for this?

Though we haven’t decided on the specific effects and implementation method, we will be preparing some method to address this.

Add an ability that absorbs a party/alliance member’s enmity.

Though it doesn’t absorb enmity directly, Cover has an effect that is very close.

Reduce the recast timer on Shield Bash.

When we make adjustments to the merit point system we will look into making changes to the recast timer when applying merit points to Shield Bash.

Increase the activation rate of shield blocks.

In the next version update, we are planning to add an ability that will temporarily increase the activation of shield blocks as well as make is so no enmity is lost.

Are you planning any kind of specialized mode change for shield defense?

While it will require you to be under the effect of an ability, we are thinking of making a new ability similar to what you described that focuses on raising the defensive stats of your shield.

We would like an increase in enmity effect when our shields activate.

The concern here is that stats for shields with high block rates (like Ochain) would become too high. Since we would have to make balance adjustments such as raising the shield activation rate on other shields, we are currently not thinking about this.

Make it possible to use Cover on alliance members as well.

Since Cover was designed to only function with party members, it would be necessary to carefully look into the balance of battles if we expanded it to cover alliance members, so it is not something we can change without a lot of testing. This is same way we approach all abilities and spells for jobs.

When using Cover, we would like the offset enmity to be given to the paladin.

Thief’s Trick Attack ability already features a similar effect, so we’d rather they be used in this type of situation.

Add an ability that makes it so an enemy’s AoE attack does not affect other party members when the paladin is the main target.

While we will not be making it so AoE attacks are totally avoidable, we are looking into making it so that the effect of Sentinel can be spread to party members for a period of time to protect them.

Add an enmity bonus to Cure.

We’d like to look into if we could add something to merit points that would be like an enmity boosting version of Tranquil Heart.

I’m pretty sure that Fencer should be for paladin…

Paladin has a high amount of defense, so we are not thinking about adding a high amount of attack power on top of their defense currently.

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 12 sie 2011, 23:36 
Red Mage:

Do you have any plans to enhance the viability of our sword-wielding proficiency?
As was stated in the preface of the job adjustments concept, the core concept of these adjustments is to make each job useful in HNM fights as well as other battle-related content. That said, we mentioned that the job adjustments will focus on party structuring, but that doesn’t mean that we will not be looking into the sword-wielding proficiency of red mages. We are actually planning adjustments to red mage’s proficiencies in the upcoming version update.

Make it possible to add enfeebling effects to En-spells.
We have no plans for this at the moment. When looking at the current system, where enfeebles take place using magic and En-spells increase damage, we’re pretty satisfied with the current separation of the two.

Add higher tier En-spells.
Planning to add these during the next version update. However, this isn’t going to be the tier-III version, we are thinking about a different type of En-spell.

Add an ability that enhances the effect of En-spells.
We would like to look into perhaps having this take place through merit points.

Make it possible for red mage to use Enlight and Endark.
Enlight and Endark are special magic spells for paladin and dark knight respectively and we have no plans to add them to red mage at this time.

Get rid of the 100% enfeeble resists on some monsters.
In regards to monsters that are completely resistant to certain spells, there is a high possibility that we won’t make any significant changes. However, there aren’t really too many of these monsters, so in regards to adjustments making it possible to land enfeebling magic easier, we feel it would be better for red mage’s to experience this effect on a larger amount of monsters.

Add new enhancing magic.
Since enhancing magic is an area that red mages excel at, we would like to add something. We have been receiving a lot of ideas for enhancing magic and we will be keeping them in mind when exploring this subject.
Will red mage be able to the use the higher tier Gravity?
We are planning to make this spell a red mage-specific spell, but are continuing to evaluate it.

Allow red mages to use one-hand sword weapon skills that can only be used by certain jobs and support jobs. We also want staff weapon skills.
We will be looking into both of these along with the weapon skills revamp.

Give red mage the “Fencer” job trait!
We looked into this, however, if we were to add this it wouldn’t be a job trait. The possibility is pretty high that it would be in the form of equipment that a red mage could wear.


Make it so you generate TP upon a successful counterattack.
Since Counter offers the monk a defensive edge by negating damage from an attack, we decided against it also generating TP.

Abolish the TP that is given to enemies upon a monk’s successful counter.
Since the benefit of Counter itself is already very potent, it will be difficult to justify cutting the TP given to the enemy as well.

Make it so the rate of guard activation and the amount of damage that is reduced increases the higher the monk’s guard skill is.
First we will be making adjustments to make it easier to increase guard and parry skills. We plan on looking into guard balance adjustments as the next step we take.

Add an ability that increases the guard rate and damage reduction.
Since we already have Perfect Counter, we have no plans to add this type of ability.

Make it so magic casting cannot be interrupted when you guard.
Since monk has no native magic skill, a different type of effect such as a reduction in enemy’s generated TP would fit better than simply magic interruption.

Adjust Boost so the attack power is stronger.
We will look into it. We agree it would be nice to feel a potent effect even if the enemies get stronger with the level cap increase.

Add Regen, Stoneskin, or some other type of support-related effect to Chakra.
We are thinking about adding something along the lines of increasing the effect of Chakra through Boost. It might be good if we added a Regen effect when using Boost in conjunction with Chakra which would get more powerful the more times you Boost.

Add a stun ability.
We are not thinking about adding an ability for this. We would like to have monks use the weapon skill “Tackle” in instances that they need to stun something. We are currently looking into an effect that will reduce an enemy’s TP as an adjustment to Chi Blast.

Will there be any new stance abilities like Footwork?
First we would like to make adjustments so that Footwork can be used in more efficient ways, so we are not currently preparing any additional new stances.

We would like special abilities that can only be used while Footwork is active.
We’ll keep it in consideration as a part of the Footwork adjustments.

Add items that can be equipped in the sub equipment slot while using hand-to-hand weapons.
We are currently looking into methods of utilizing the sub slot for hand-to-hand. We’ll take into consideration the balance of other weapons and will look to implement it at the right time.


In the concept there were a lot of ideas about rolls, but what are you thinking for marksmanship?
Since marksmanship is of course an important aspect of corsair, we are looking into this, but first we would like to make adjustments to Phantom Roll and Quick Draw. Once Quick Draw’s usage is improved, we would like to perform marksmanship adjustments to go along with it.
Add direct enfeebling effects to Quick Draw.
How about something like this?

-If there is no enfeeble effect on the enemy, it adds a weak enfeebling effect.
-If there is an enfeebling effect on the enemy, it enhances that effect.
-If you stack Quick Draws, the effect is enhanced.

We are looking into enhancing effects through merit points.

Add new shots for Quick Draw.
Currently we do not have any plans to add new shots. However, we are continuing to look in the direction of adding new stats to the existing shots.

Make it so the effects of Phantom Roll scale with your level.
We are planning to revamp this, but since there are a lot of rolls to consider we are going to need some time to examine it. Also, since the increase in effects from the job bonuses are quite potent, we’d like to look into making adjustments to better utilize this.

Reduce the recast times for Phantom Roll/Double-up.
Since we just implemented a reduced recast time when rolling an XI for Phantom Roll in the last version update, we would like to monitor the balance. If we reduced the timer for Double-up any more, it would affect animations and effects, so we are not thinking of reducing it by a lot.

Add an ability that makes the AoE roll effects into a single target effect.
For the current Phantom Roll system, making this possible for Double-up is extremely difficult. In order to do this we would have to totally revamp the entire Phantom Roll system, so unfortunately we will not be able to do this. However, there is a possibility to create an ability like Tenuto that will limit the effect to yourself.

Revamp the effects of the current rolls. (Especially Gallant’s Roll and Choral Roll)
We will be revamping the effects of all rolls. (Gallant’s Roll is by no means weak, but it’s tough to use because of the resist associated with reflect-related damage.)

Since there is a chance to Bust when rolling, make roll effects stronger than songs or other similar effects.
Though it will depend on what you roll, the effects of Phantom Roll are already set to be slightly stronger than songs. However, especially for rolls with a static effect value, we are planning to make adjustments because there are cases where revamps will be necessary to go along with the future level cap increases.

Organize Puppet Roll, Drachen Roll, and Beast Roll into one roll.
If we were to organize all the pet enhancing effect rolls into one, each effect would have to become weaker. We believe it would be better to make adjustments to the effects so that you can choose the appropriate roll depending on the situation.

Make the effects of rolling an XI and the effects of unlucky/lucky numbers noticeable.
We are planning to make further changes to the effect when rolling an XI. We do not have any plans at the moment for changing the effects of lucky/unlucky numbers any further.

We would like the stats of hexaguns to have different properties than guns and crossbows.
We would like to explore what unique characteristics would be good.

Give Wildcard a different use besides aiming to simply reset two-hour abilities.
Though it’s tied to luck, the effect when Wildcard hits is really big, so we do not have plans of trying to top this.

Lower the price of the dice sold by NPC vendors.
Taking into account the balance with other magic scrolls, we have no plans at the moment to make any significant reductions in price. Since the method of obtaining dice is limited to NPC shops only, there is no real aspect where they are circulated amongst players, but the plus to this is that you can buy them at a stable price.


Fix the range variations for effects from songs when using stringed instruments.
We are looking into addressing this.

Make it so a songs effect area is focused on the party member targeted instead of the bard.
It was set to focus on the bard since it is the same concept as white mage’s bar-spells. Since songs have the advantage that they cannot be interrupted by enemy attacks, we plan to leave it as it is for now and allow you to decide the area of effect by your placement.

Make it so song effects also influence by your stats.
Since song effects increase with skill, we have no plans of making it so stats influence it as well.

Increase wind/string/singing skill to A.
In the case of songs, they are based on the combination of instrument skill + singing skill, so it is quite different from skills that rely on just a single skill. Due to this, if there is a necessity to adjust accuracy, instead of adjusting skill ranks, we are considering adjusting the calculation of the accuracy rates themselves.

Revamp the resist rate of requiem.
The development team would definitely like to do something about this and are planning to revamp it.

Reduce the recast time on Pianissimo and Tenuto.
Since the amount of gear that reduces song recast time has increased, we would like to make adjustments to go along with this.

Make it possible to use Pianissimo and Tenuto at the same time.
Unfortunately, since this would require us to totally remake and rebalance Pianissimo and Tenuto this is a difficult thing to do.

Revamp the stats on songs that enhance resistances to status ailments.
It’s true that when compared to the benefits other songs provide, it’s pretty hard to prioritize these songs, so we would like to do something about it.

Make Etude/Prelude an AoE effect.
We will look into this. In regards to Prelude though, depending on the number of party members that have ranged attacks, it might get pretty crazy having to use Pianissimo each time. Is that going to be a problem?

Make Adventurer’s Dirge an AoE effect.
We would like to look into this along with the merit point revamps.

Will Massacre Elegy be added?
We have plans to. However, when considering the stats, we are planning to make it so this isn’t a song that can be used by just anyone.

Add a song that enhances magical accuracy.
Since you can already enhance your magical accuracy through the use of a lot of equipment, we are thinking it would be more beneficial to give party members a different kind of song effect.
(For example, perhaps a song that reduces an enemy’s magical defense, etc.)

Also in response to your feedback about the seeming lack of power of Gjallarhorn, the development team mentioned that there is a difference in song accuracy between Gjallarhorn and Daurdabla, and when casting songs on enemies, Gjallarhorn wins out. During the next version update it will also be possible to further enhance the Gjallarhorn.


Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 13 sie 2011, 01:27 
How long will the "ability that increases enmity towards party members positioned between the ranger and his/her target" last?
This ability will last around 3 minutes, and effects will take place for every ranged attack during this time. We do not plan on implementing a long recast time.

To ja juz widze jak beda wygladac HNM walki na 99 :D

10x RNG na sobie 20' od tanka i spam /ra :D




Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 13 sie 2011, 07:25 
nic o ninja?

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 13 sie 2011, 07:37 
Targaryen napisał(a):
nic o ninja?

Narazie nie, tak jak napisalem wrzucaja wywiady co pare dni i to sa narazie wszystkie. Jak tylko pojawi sie wiecej tez tutaj wkleje.


Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 16 sie 2011, 01:38 

Blue mages, your time has come! Here is some feedback from the development in regards to your comments about the job adjustment manifesto.

Add blue magic that can only be used while under the effects of Azure Lore.
While it won’t be for Azure Lore, in the next version update we will be introducing a new ability that will allow you to use HNM abilities while under its effects.

There will be no need to set the HNM abilities and you will be able to use them once the ability recast timer is up (planning for 5 minutes or thereabouts).
*You will still need to learn the spell beforehand.

Lengthen the effect duration for Azure Lore.
We would like to look into doing something for this.

Reduce the overall cost of blue magic spell points.
Since part of the strategy is to make a choice within set requirements, we have no plan of reducing the overall cost. We will be making balance adjustments to the increases in set numbers depending on your level.

Reduce or get rid of the penalty incurred after setting blue magic spells.
The concept is that you acquire blue magic spells via learning and then you can change battle strategies by picking and choosing spells within the blue magic spell points and set limitations. If you were able to change spells freely, the whole battle strategy aspect would be lost, so we have no plans to remove/reduce the penalty.

Add an ability that allows you to use cast blue magic spells that are not currently set.
We tried looking into this, but it would make having to set spells beforehand nearly pointless, so we will be putting this idea on the back burner for now.

Reduce the casting time on blue magic spells.
I believe this comment is mainly meant for magical type blue spells, but the casting time has been set while considering the power, added effects, and other usages.
Though it depends on the type, the casting time is pretty reasonable when comparing to elemental magic and enhancing magic, so we have no plans to change this.

Add higher tier AoE healing magic/Will White Wind be added?
We are planning to add White Wind in the upcoming version update.

Make changes so that blue magic skill, not healing magic skill enhances the cure bonus for healing-type blue magic spells.
This was set this way purposefully so that the effect is enhanced more when you select a support job that has healing magic skill, and the cure amount is based on this number.

Make it possible to enhance job traits.
The below job traits are set so they can be enhanced.

Dual Wield/Fast Cast/Store TP/HPmax/MPmax/Auto Regen/Counter/Magic Burst Bonus/Skill Chain Bonus

While it is not possible to enhance all of the above job traits at level 90, with further level cap increase and the addition of new blue magic spells it will be possible to enhance them.

Also, when double attack/gilfinder are enhanced, we are planning to have them change into triple attack/treasure hunter.



Ostatnio edytowano 16 sie 2011, 02:29 przez Bartelius, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 16 sie 2011, 02:28 

Greetings dancers! Here is some feedback from the development team in regards to your comments about the job adjustments concepts. Enjoy

Add new modes for dancers. Add dances that give sphere effects.
Since sphere effects are extremely strong and completely negate the opposite enfeebling effect, we won’t be implementing the sphere effect itself. However, we are planning to add something that gives your party members some kind of effect while continuing to consume your TP. As we are not at the stage where can give info on specific effects, we would love to hear your ideas.

Make it so Waltzes don’t all share the same timer.
We would need to completely remake the system as it was originally balanced to have a unified recast timer with limitations placed on the amount of TP consumed. If we removed that, the cure capabilities of the job would be greatly enhanced throwing the balance off between other healing magic. If we were to split the Waltz timers, we would have to raise the TP consumption as a trade-off.

Reduce the recast timer on Waltz. (Especially higher tier Curing Waltz and Healing Waltz)
Since Curing Waltz was designed to be different from Cure in the sense that it has advantages with short execution time and it is hard to interrupt, but on the flip side is difficult to use in quick succession, we do not have any plans to reduce the recast time further. Instead we wish for dancers to focus on specific tactics taking into account the levels of Waltz and use the most appropriate one for the situation.
Similarly for Healing Waltz, since it is possible to address a large variety of status ailments covered by na-related spells and Erase, the recast timer was set to be somewhat long.

Make it possible to use Healing Waltz on people outside of your party.
It would be necessary to look into not only Healing Waltz, but also extending Erase to people outside of your party. In the case that we decide to extend the effects of Erase to people outside of your party, we will make it possible for Healing Waltz, too.

Increase the effect of Animated Flourish.
We are looking into adjustments for this. We are considering making it so you can generate the same level of enmity as Provoke when consuming two finishing moves.

Increase the accuracy for Desperate Flourish.
We are exploring the direction of adding equipment that enhances the accuracy.

Make it so you can perform level 2-3 skill chains with Wild Flourish.
Comparing this to samurai’s Konzen-ittai, the recast timer is shorter and it has multiple uses so the effect itself was set rather low for balance purposes.

Make it so you can stack steps over level 5.
This would require us to look into the effects carefully. Since the effect of level 5 is currently very strong, we do not have any plans of increasing this at the moment.

Lengthen the effect duration for steps.
We are looking into the direction of making it so the duration gets longer at higher levels.

Make it so you can generate two finishing moves even after you have reached level 5.
It can be thought that the fundamental problem here is that in order to maintain the effect of the step you need to continuously use the same step. First we will revamp the step effect duration and determine how many times you can use a step in a single battle, and then make a decision based on that.
The idea is to be able to fight by using a variety of steps and not using the same one over and over just to maintain its effect.

Make Chocobo Jig an AoE effect.
Since there is no cost for Chocobo Jig the effect is set to be only for the dancer.
In the event that we were to extend the effect to party members, there would be some room to explore this if there were TP consumption or some other trade-off.

Make it so you can overwrite Spectral Jig.
Please understand that this is the same as magic and items and it is following the rule that in order to re-apply the effect you need to remove it first.



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