To the ones who keep us all safe on the battlefields, white mages, here is your feedback

We will be adding this in the upcoming version update.
Though it is planned for a version update in the future, we have already begun to look into a higher tier version of raise.
Whether it will be called Arise or not really depends on the adjustments from here on out, but we are looking into making it cover multiple targets and other things. In regards to the stats, we’d like to make it so it has more merits than the currently existing raises, so please look forward to it.
We would like to make it possible to cure Amnesia in the future, but we are planning to make it a type of magic that has a set chance of recovery similar to Doom.
We currently do not have any plans of adding a spell that cures Terror. Since the effect of Terror is quickly recovered from, we’d like you to just support those inflicted with Terror with cures and such while they are unable move.
While it is not limited to Terror, we feel that there are times it is necessary for monsters to have superior status ailments in the scheme of battle balance. As such, please understand that we will not be making it possible to cure every single status ailment.
Since there is also Holy Water when curing this is difficult, we’d like to monitor the current rate. Though it depends on luck and repeated attempts, but the recovery rate was set rather high so it can be cured before the countdown timer reaches zero.
We would like to reduce the recast times for Esuna and Sacrifice to be about the same as Erase.
For Erase, since it is able to cover multiple status ailments, we feel that the current recast time is appropriate.
Since the lost experience points merit has become somewhat weak now, we will look into this. However, as we will not be removing the weakness penalty, we cannot really reduce it too much.
AoE…Sounds cool. We will look into it.
Currently you are able to receive a pretty strong effect depending on the bonuses that are given based on your enhancing magic skill. Also, with future level cap increases, you will be able to receive an even higher bonus, so for now we will be monitoring this and make a decision to do something if it is necessary.
The magic capacity is becoming pretty full, but we will try and look into it.
This is something that we have been concerned with and would like to make it so they are not overwritten. The concern here is that if it’s not the same effect or higher, if the effect doesn’t wear off or if you don’t cancel the effect you will not be able to reapply it, making it similar to Protect IV and V.
Since AoE effects are strong, the idea is that you are taking a risk by the effect being centered on the caster. Curega is an exception to this, but it is balanced through a high amount of enmity.
Since cure potency enhancements were designed to be added through equipment, we do not have any plans of adding it to merit points. Currently you can gain a significant amount of enhanced cure potency by collecting equipment, so please try and collect those pieces.