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Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 25 sie 2011, 10:37 
Kilka informacji dotyczących patcha 1.5 który ma wejść na przełomie września i października. ... ture=feedu


Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 3 wrz 2011, 00:14 
Część nowych rzeczy z 1.5 już na PTS.

Planar Attunement

Basic System Overview

Attunement is all about Progressing your character after 50
Attunement Experience can be earned via any activity that awards XP normally so play whatever content you enjoy the most
Each “Ding” worth of experience will award you Attunement points which you can spend on Planar attunement
Players can spend attunement points in one of the six planes to purchase a variety of bonuses ranging from combat to utility

How to

Earn points by completing post 50 “Attunement Levels”
Open the Planar Attunement window, widget can be found on the menu bar
Spend points by clicking on bonuses
Purchasing bonuses will unlock adjacent bonuses
Purchasing a complete tier will unlock the next tier
Confirm and save your changes on exit (Same as soul tree)

Know Issues / Features

Tiers 2 & 3 bonuses are locked for initial launch of the system. These bonuses will unlock with later content
Bonus Values , Costs, and types are all “In progress” we plan on continuing to adjust these throughout PTS based on player feedback and internal testing


Basic System Overview

Chronicles are casual friendly, 1 – 2 player instances that give players a chance to visit new areas, get new awesome loot, and experience new stories. Currently, they are intended for players just getting started after reaching Level 50.

How to

Launch a chronicle through the widget on the menu bar
Chronicles have a Daily lockout, you can only do each chronicle once a day

Know Issues / Features

Not all Chronicles are released as of today, more chronicles will be added throughout the PTS period
Chronicles are not completely finished, balanced, and tuned. We plan on continuing to adjust these throughout PTS based on player feedback and internal testing

Master Mode Dungeons

Basic System Overview

Master Mode Dungeons are designed for 5 players looking for a difficult instance that will challenge them more than expert dungeons
Master Mode Dungeons are designed for players who have already completed our existing T2 dungeon content
Master Mode Dungeons will reward players with more powerful rewards then those found in T2 dungeon content, including marks of ascension which will allow them to purchase Tier 1 raid gear from the raid vendors.

How to

Choose the “Master” difficulty by clicking on your portrait (Same way you’d choose expert)
Zone into the dungeon

Know Issues / Features

Darkening Deeps and Deepstrike mines are the only Master Mode dungeons being tested at this time
Master Mode dungeons are not completely finished, balanced, and tuned. We plan on continuing to adjust these throughout PTS based on player feedback and internal testing.

Warfront Accolades

Basic System Overview

Warfront Accolades are a new addition to warfronts that give players mini achievements and goals they can obtain during each warfront match.
The majority of Accolades will reward the entire team, so teamwork helps everyone!

How to

Queue for a Warfront (yes it’s that easy)
Play as you normally would, there are a variety of Accolades for just playing!

Know Issues / Features

We are working on cool Voice Over options for announcing Accolades
We’re still tuning how each accolade is rewarded. We plan on continuing to adjust these throughout PTS based on player feedback and internal testing.

List of Accolades

All Warfronts

First Blood - First kill of the match, team awarded favor bonus.
Killing Spree - Kill 9 enemy players without dying. Opposing team receives bonus for killing them.
Annihilation - If you wipe the entire opposing team with at least one person alive on your team you will receive a bonus.
Juggernaut - take massive damage over a significant period of time.
Savior - Heal of shield a player that is being attacked and at low health.

Black Garden

Invincible - Hold the fang longer than any mere mortal could!
Death Wish - Given to the first player to grab the fang

Whitefall Steppes

Reclaimer - Return a flag to your base 5 times in a single match
Double Threat - Return your flag while carrying their sourcestone


Defender - Interrupt or reclaim your control point before the enemy claims it for their own!
Total Control - Control all 4 points at the same time

Port Scion

Massacre - Slay as many of their sourcestone carriers as you can!
Demolition - Destroy both of your enemies towers
Double Down - Kill both Lieutenants before they resurrect an Idol

Escalation: Whitefall Steppes

Blitz - First person to pick up a stomstone receives a bonus
Sabotage - Take a stormstone out of the enemy base

Library of the Runemasters

Mass Martyr - Entire team receives a bonus if you can hold on to 4 or more relics at the same time.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 3 wrz 2011, 14:16 
Cytuj ... ideo_title

Fajnie to wygląda.
Ciekawe czy będą jakieś aktywne skile tutaj, czy tylko pasywne bonusy.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 3 wrz 2011, 19:20 
Chronicles: Hammerknell wysolowałem z palcem w dupie jako chlorolock (insta przewidziana dla dwóch osób). Trochę za krótka wg mnie.


Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 8 wrz 2011, 23:05 
General gameplay goals for the Rogue update:

* Competitive PvE Alternatives to Sabodancer, both melee and ranged.
* Competitive PvP DPS. You should fear seeing a Rogue the same way you see a Warrior. Of equal Prestige Rank, the two should be capable of providing a similar amount of PvP threat.
* Survivability improvements. Some self heal improvements and vampiric-type Healing Siphons - Abilities that reduce the healing intake capacity of one's target, with a portion of the stolen amount going to the rogue.
* Better synergies between souls
* More utility without giving up the majority of their DPS to get it, bringing them closer in line to the flexibility that other callings have.
* Large pack tanking improvements - Improvement to threat on multiple mobs
* Running capacity remains -- BUT, Double-teleport-invulnerable runner (the "bugged" one) goes away.
* Reduction in required reliance on "unfair" tactics (invuls, slips, etc) via adding true competitive power

Themes used to arrive at the goals:

* Marksman: No longer suffers an identity crisis around being the mobile-soul-that-requires-mostly-stationary-play. Pedestals are gone. Sniping remains. They get enchanted Ammo buffs (via their new "Munitions" line), and can bring one more ability into an AE rotation. New survivability as well. Better synergy.
* Ranger: Synergizes with other souls better. No longer overly dependent on Shadow Fire.
* Riftstalker: Offensively synergizes through +AP and reflect shields. Some new multi-target threat coolness here too. You should be able to take some RS without flooring your DPS, as melee souls' ability to close all currently lives in this tree.
* Saboteur: Use of bombs should not be a DPS downgrade.
* Bladedancer: Should be a viable in-your-face combat rogue.
* Nightblade: Some more survivability, without having to rely on pure immunities.
* Assassin: More up front damage, less reliance on super-long, annoying DoTs. Better poisons. Less "waste a finisher to apply a short buff." Slip away should not be a requirement to compete. Slip away will be receiving changes in a future update as well.
* Bard: A little more low level survivability - More of a reason to take this as a 3rd solo soul if you're inclined to get some more survivability back.

Dokładniejszy opis zmian napisany przez gracza: ... ation.html


Posty: 517
Dołączył(a): 26.12.2005
PostNapisane: 11 wrz 2011, 21:31 
ogolnie mocno boostuja rogala i takiego lokkena sin moj bedzie zjadal na sniadnie ;p


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Posty: 5772
Dołączył(a): 23.01.2008
PostNapisane: 11 wrz 2011, 22:21 
kiedy ten patch?


Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 12 wrz 2011, 00:06 
Ponoć na początku października.

vidi21 napisał(a):
ogolnie mocno boostuja rogala i takiego lokkena sin moj bedzie zjadal na sniadnie ;p

Bring it on :P Mam 7,6k HP na self buffie jako full Warlock (bez CD) a 8,3k jako chlorolock. A nie mam jeszcze full gearu bo mam tylko rank7, więc dojdzie mi jeszcze ponad 500 HP.


Posty: 517
Dołączył(a): 26.12.2005
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 11:46 
hehe r8 chloro lockow spokojnie sie zabija w duelach :) tylko trzeba wiedziec jak. r8 clerykow za to mozna tylko podrapac


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Posty: 9516
Dołączył(a): 5.08.2004
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 14:29 
a jak tam dps/ranged warrior sobie radzi? i czy cos mu daja ciekawego w 1,5?



Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 17:10 
Riftblade to obecnie FOTM spec dla warka. Ale cześć jego mocy pochodzi ze zbugowanego skilla, który będzie naprawiony w kolejnym patchu. Ogólnie ma się niezle. Na razie niewiele zmian dla warków w 1.5 bo na razie skupili się na rogalach. Ale pewnie coś tam dodadzą.

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Posty: 9516
Dołączył(a): 5.08.2004
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 18:20 
a dokladniej? moze ym zagral zbugowanym warkiem:)



Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 19:58 
Earth burst jest zbugowany. Jego roota nie da się zdjąć, dodatkowo wchodzi nawet jeśli ktoś jest immune i nie ma wpływu na DR. Czyli caster jest w dupie.

Ogólnie to każdy warek lata z RB na PvP bo trochę pozmieniali inne soule i dmg fizyczny jest słabszy a RB bije z magicznych.

Nie znam dokąłdnie szczegółów, ale ludzie latają w jakiś dziwnych buildach Riftblade/Paladin i biją z miecza i tarczy bo ponoć nie ma to wpływu na dmg a dzieli skilom pala mają większą przeżywalność. Inny popularny build PvP to RB/VK/Champ.

W 1.5 planuja zmienić też statystyki dla warka. Bedzie dostawał Crita za STR a nie DEX, czyli to buff dla niego.

Ale musiałbyś poczytać forum by znaleźć jakieś najlepsze aktualne buildy bo ja się na tym nie znam.
Jeśli chodzi o Whitefall to jest tu obecnie dosyć wyraźna dominacja Defiantów, więc musisz się z tym liczyć jeśli chcesz wracać.

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Posty: 9516
Dołączył(a): 5.08.2004
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 22:41 
to raczej rogal albo warek champ niz caster. Rift/Paladyn to byl moj jeden z pierwszych buildow jakich uzywalem i tak 1h+tarcza miala taki sam dmg jak 2h czy 2x1h. Zawsze byla dominacja defiantow na whitefall. Z jednej storny bym moze pogral z drugiej pewnie po 2h mi odejdzie..



Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 13 wrz 2011, 23:22 
Teraz ich dominacja jest z 3 razy większa niż była wtedy gdy grałeś. Transfery zrobiły swoje.

Back on topic. Pograłem trochę na PTS. Nowy warfront całkiem fajny. Max 15 osób, bardzo dużo killi. Po śmierci czekamy z max 10 sek, jeden skok i już jesteśmy z powrotem w młynie i napierdalamy. Punkty zdobywa się za trzymanie takich a`la fangów, ale można je zdobywać z kilku miejsc i mieć ich kilka na raz więc jest ciekawiej niż na BG.

Dmg rogali w PvP (nie wiem jak w PvE) znacznie zwiększony.


Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 15 wrz 2011, 09:12 

* New Chronicles, epic storyline experiences for solo and duo players, become available with 1.5.
- If you're level 50, head to Sanctum or Meridian to check out the Chronicles of Attunement!
* New Planar Attunement system lets you continue to grow your character past level 50 and choose how you want to enhance their abilities.
* Veteran Rewards are being added as a bonus for longtime Ascended. More details to come!
* Master-mode Dungeons challenge even the most experienced and well-equipped players who come looking for a fight!
* A new Weekend Warfront joins the mix - check out LIBRARY OF THE RUNEMASTERS, below!
* New competitive rewards have been added for purchase with high-level zone event currency. Find them on the Planar Goods merchants in Sanctum and Meridian! More details on Zone Event reward updates below.
* The Golden Maw unleashes chaos from an abandoned kingdom across the sea, as the Ashes of History world event begins!
* AddOns for RIFT will soon be going into live beta! These are optional tools that can be used to enhance your personal gameplay experience.


* A new Warfront joins the weekend rotation - this one in an all-new setting!
* Within the depths of Hammerknell, Guardians and Defiants fight to take control of abandoned Dwarven Rune vessels. With the ability to bind powerful planar beings, these artifacts could prove invaluable to the armies of Ascended.
* Join the fight to control these powerful vessels - but be warned, the longer one is within your grasp, the more its dark power will eat away at your soul.
* Earn points for your team by holding the relic as long as possible. None can withstand the power of the relic for too long, though, and the carrier will take an increasing amount of damage until they die. Points can also be gained by defeating enemy players.


* Awesome new weapons and armor have been added to the Planar Goods merchants that can be purchased with Inscribed Sourcestone - these are expert-level equipment and worth checking out as a means of gearing up your character! Synergy Crystals coming soon.
* Combined Crystal sourcestone and Inscribed Sourcestone into a single currency for end game rift rewards.
* Crystal Sourcestone has been removed and any existing Crystal Sourcestone will automatically be converted into Inscribed Sourcestone.
* Added Inscribed Sourcestone drops to all high level events, Rifts, and Rift related daily quests.
* Significantly increased the rate in which players can obtain Inscribed Sourcestone.
* Items that used to cost Crystal Sourcestone have had their costs converted to Inscribed Sourcestone.


* Now with better Anti-Aliasing! Set your Anti-Aliasing option to 'Edge Smoothing' to see the new improvements.
* Added a keybind-able command that will hide other players on your screen when the key is pressed. There is no default bound key, but you can set one in the Key Bindings menu as 'Hide Other Players' under UI Toggles.
* You can now interact with merchants, quest NPCs, and Healer NPCs while they are in combat! This should help in some situations where a great many invaders are present.
* Trinkets and other usable-equippables will now enter their cooldown period when equipped.
* Quantum Sight and Omen Sight now last 15 minutes.
* Wardrobe items are now only shown to players from your own faction.
* Fixed an edge case with master looting where a group could become ineligible for assigned loot.
* Fixed a bug where characters could end up with multiple stacks of Soul Exhaustion.
* Fixed the message 'Dummy has decayed from [item] appearing whenever a temporary enchantment was applied to an item.
* NPCs now give a more descriptive error message when you attempt to turn in too many repeatable quests in a single day.


* You no longer need to be Prestige rank 2 to join the World Defense chat channel.
* Characters will be added to the World Defense channel when reaching level 50 - current level 50s will be added automatically after the update.
* Combined some of the level range chat channels - new channel ranges are Level 1-29, Level 30-49, and Level 50 chats.
* When your character is automatically added to a new level channel (when reaching 30 or 50), we'll no longer also remove you from the old one.


* Zone event broadcasts should now always contain the name of the zone the event is starting in, rather than just an area within the zone.
* Between the high level zones - Stillmoor, Shimmersand, and Iron Pine Peaks - only one zone event will be active at a given time.
* When a PvP Rift is active in a zone, the activity icon will be visible on your main map, which has a tooltip giving info about the active Rift and event.
* PvP Rifts will also be visible on the main map when zoomed in, even if you're not currently in the zone.


* Fully LFG-formed groups now default to having the tank set to leader.
* LFG groups can now vote kick someone who is not in the instance.
* You can also access other useful things from the party member's right click menu even if they are not in your instance - promote, mark, invite to guild, friend, etc.
* Fixed a case where you wouldn't be able to use the Leave Dungeon option if you entered an LFG dungeon from within another dungeon.
* Two-player parties that disband during a LFG queue pop no longer leave an orphan window on the screen.
* Characters who level while queued in the LFG system will not be kicked for forgetting to spend Soul Points for a couple of levels. Once you leave the queue for any reason you will have to spend those Soul Points before you can rejoin it.


* Guild Perk: Bloodthirsty: Duration increased to 10 seconds, percentage healed lowered to 5-15% healing, and now cannot trigger a second time while active.
* Found and removed a weekly guild quest that had an incorrect level set on it and would result in only 2 quests being offered, rather than three, in a particular week.


* Normalized stat contribution across all Callings:
* Warrior: Attack Power is now 50% Strength and 50% Dexterity (was previously 75%/25%).
* Warrior: Melee Critical Hit is now 100% Strength (was previously 100% Dexterity).
* Rogue: Attack Power remains 50% Dexterity and 50% Strength.
* Rogue: Melee Critical Hit remains 100% Dexterity.
* Mage: Spell Power is still 50% Intelligence and 50% Wisdom.
* Mage: Spell Critical Hit remains 100% Intelligence.
* Cleric: Spell Power is now 50% Wisdom and 50% Intelligence (was previously 75%/25%).
* Cleric: Spell Critical Hit is now 100% Wisdom (was previously 100% Intelligence).

Please see this feedback thread to discuss these changes - For Feedback - Changes to Warrior & Cleric Stat Calculations



* All Sigils are now area of effect on the target rather than ground targeted area effects.


* Fae Blast: Now properly generates aggro.


* Corporal Punishment: No longer based on critical hits. Now gives a 14% chance to gain increased damage to your Life and Death based abilities for 5 seconds, plus an additional 1.2% per point spent in Inquisitor above 21. (This will be changed to a flat % chance in the next patch based on feedback)


* Ancestral Flame: Improved the way the shield absorb bonus is calculated from having points in Disciple of Flame - the net result is a higher amount absorbed by an Ancestral Flame proc when you have both abilities purchased.


* Serendipity: No longer based on critical heals. Now grants a 25% chance to reduce the casting time of your next heal, plus an additional 0.6% per point spent in Sentinel above 26. (This will be changed to a flat % chance in the next patch based on feedback)


* Lust for Blood: No longer based on critical hits. Now gives a 15% chance to deal additional damage on your next Physical hit, plus an additional 1% per point spent in Shaman above 21. (This will be changed to a flat % chance in the next patch based on feedback)
* Vengeance of the Primal North: Corrected the effect tooltip.


* Nysyr's Brand: Increased cooldown to 10 seconds.


* Overflow: No longer based on critical heals. Now grants a 15% chance to proc an additional heal on your target, plus an additional 1% per point spent in Warden above 26. (This will be changed to a flat % chance in the next patch based on feedback)



* Nenvin's Lament: Fixed an issue where a previously cast spell would consume Nenvin's Lament if it was cast before the prior spell finished hitting the target.


* Disorient: Now triggers Swift Control when the stun portion successfully lands, instead of when the confuse portion hits.
* Rock Slide: Fixed an issue where the last tick of Rock Slide would remove 10 Charge but deal no damage and no buff stacks if you had between 10 and 19 Charge at the time of the last tick.
* Leeching Flames: No longer triggers the Elementalist ability Icy Carapace.
* Opportunity procs from the Warlock soul no longer gives Archon auras a casting time if the Archon has branch abilities making them instant.


* Charged Shield, Mass Charged Shield: Shield damage now checks for damage buffs and debuffs at the time the damage occurs.
* Mass Charged Shield: Fixed a bug with the tooltip of Rank 2-4 of this spell where the damage was not being displayed correctly.
* Death's Edict, Mental Shock: Now deals damage even if the target is immune to the stun portion of the effect.
* Swift Control: Updated the description to help clarify how this spell functions.
* Improved Charged Shield: Updated the description to indicate that it increases the base damage of an ability.
* Pets will now be able to attack enemies affected by the root from Storm Shackle.
* Quick Thinking: No longer consumed by abilities that you've spent soul points to make instant-cast, such as Chloromancer's Bloom.


* Last Gasp: Can now critically hit.
* Flesh Rot: Updated the description to indicate that it increases the base damage of an ability.
* Symbiote: Updated ability description to clarify that it applies to the base healing of Essence Link.
* Fixed an issue where Blood Spike on the Skeletal Zealot was not correctly reducing its cooldown when it consumed a stack of Deathly Calling.


* Due to the below changes, characters with soul points spent in Pyromancer will receive a free soul respec.
* Withering Flames: Can now critically hit.
* Burning Shield: Now absorbs 50% of the damage received, up to the indicated amount. It no longer has restrictions on when it can be cast.
* Ground of Power updates: Renamed to Glyphs of Power. Glyphs of Power is now an instant cast self-buff with a 1 hour duration. This buff provides the same bonus to Fire abilities and increase to damage taken that Ground of Power did, but only applies the bonus while the caster is standing still.
* Improved Ground of Power: Renamed to Improved Glyphs of Power. Retains the same effect on Glyphs of Power that it had on Ground of Power.
* Improved Grounding: Removed.
* Improved Flame Jet - New Ability: Grants Flame Jet a 33-100% chance to knock back targets it hits. Available after spending 5 points in Pyromancer.


* Absolute Zero: This will no longer be consumed if cast immediately after Arctic Blast or Icicle, before those spells hit the target.
* Building Storm: The stacking buff is now consumed at the point of casting a Hypothermia ability, rather than being consumed at the time damage is dealt.
* Storm Guard: Fixed a case where Storm Guard would not place a stack of Electrified on enemies it damaged.
* Icy Vortex: Will no longer snare an enemy if they are already snared. Will still apply Hypothermia with each hit.


* Defile: Fixed an issue where the last damage tick was not occurring.
* Sacrifice Life: Mana: No longer prevented from returning mana when used with Empowered Darkness active.
* Dark Fury: Now deals damage even if the target is immune to the Stun portion of the effect.
* Damage from Warlock Armor and Dark Armor now checks for damage buffs and debuffs at the time the damage occurs.
* Charge consuming abilities now properly consume Charge when used while Empowered Darkness is active.
* Opportunity: No longer consumed by abilities that you've spent soul points to make instant-cast, such as Chloromancer's Bloom.


* Rogue Energy regeneration rate has been increased to 22 Energy per second, up from 20.
* General gameplay goals for the rogue update:
- Competitive PvE Alternatives to Sabodancer, both melee and ranged.
- Competitive PvP DPS. You should fear seeing a Rogue the same way you see a Warrior. Of equal Prestige Rank, the two should be capable of providing a similar amount of PvP threat.
- Survivability improvements. Some self heal improvements and vampiric-type Healing Siphons - Abilities that reduce the healing intake capacity of one's target, with a portion of the stolen amount going to the rogue.
- Better synergies between souls.
- More utility without giving up the majority of their DPS to get it, bringing them closer in line to the flexibility that other callings have.
- Large pack tanking improvements - Improvement to threat on multiple mobs
- Running capacity remains -- BUT, Double-teleport-invulnerable runner (the "bugged" one) goes away.
- Reduction in required reliance on "unfair" tactics (invuls, slips, etc) via adding true competitive power


* Gameplay goals: More up front damage, less reliance on super-long, annoying DoTs. Better poisons. Less "waste a finisher to apply a short buff." Slip Away should not be a requirement to compete.
* Virulent Poison, Lethal Poison, Leeching Poison, Debilitating Poison, and Serrated Blades no longer trigger damage shield effects.
* Baneful Touch: No longer a combat finisher ability. Now a self buff that increases the damage of all weapon enchantments by 20%. Unlocked after spending 20 points in Assassin.
* Leeching Poison: The healing granted has been increased. Now unlocked after spending 14 points in Assassin, with an additional rank added at level 50.
* Poison Mastery: Now also increases the Attack Power of the Assassin's poison-coated weapons by 15-75%. The chance for it to trigger has been increased to 4-20%, up from 2-10%.
* Enduring Brew: Ability changed - now instantly heals the Assassin for a large amount of health, with a 1 minute cooldown.
* Backstab: Attack Power damage bonus increased to 150% from 100%.
* Assassinate: Now ignores 50% of your target's armor.
* Exposed Weakness: The additional damage taken by the target is now increased by the Assassin's Attack Power. No longer on the global cooldown and has a 20 second ability cooldown added. Energy cost reduced to 10 from 20.
* Physical Trauma: Ability changed - now increases the damage of Puncture, Jagged Strike, and Impale by 20-40% , and the damage of Final Blow on an impaled target by 15-30%.
* Slip Away: Changed slightly - the Assassin is no longer immune to damage after using Slip Away. Any damage taken while Slip Away is active will not bring the Assassin out of stealth.
* Cut and Run - New Ability: Available after spending 20 points in Assassin. Removes all control and movement impairing effects. Not on the global cooldown.


* Gameplay goals: A little more low level survivability - More of a reason to take this as a 3rd solo soul if you're inclined to get some more survivability back.
* Motif of Renewal - New Ability: Unlocked after spending 6 points in Bard. Heals the Bard over 15 seconds, does not stack with Motif of Regeneration.
* Triumphant Spirit: Healing bonus is now applied to Motif of Renewal.


* Gameplay goals: Should be a viable in-your-face combat rogue.
* Combat Culmination: Corrected the tooltip on this ability - it now indicates that unused combo points are refunded at 10 Energy per point (rank 2) or 15 Energy per point (rank 3).
* Rhythmic actions no longer cause Exhaustion; instead, only 1 Rhythmic Action can be active at a time.
* Weapon Barrage: Removed the damage component of this interrupt ability.
* Strike Back: Now triggers off of dodges as well as parries.
* Compound Attack: Damage dealt is no longer reduced when hitting 2 or 3 targets.
* Turn the Tide: Whenever you dodge or parry an attack, it now also reduces the damage you take by 5-10%.
* Contra Tempo: Ability changed. Your Quick Strike and Precision Strike have a 50-100% chance of granting an additional combo point.
* Counterbalance: Ability changed. Now reduces the cooldown of all Rhythmic Actions by 15 seconds.
* Flash of Steel: Now unlocked after spending 10 points in Bladedancer. A rank 7 of this ability has been added.
* Unabating Steel: Available after spending 25 points in Bladedancer. The Bladedancer becomes immune to all control and movement impairing effects after using Flash of Steel.


* Cleanse Soul: No longer takes you out of stealth when used.


* Gameplay goals: No longer suffers an identity crisis around being the mobile-soul-that-requires-mostly-stationary-play. Pedestals are gone. Sniping remains. They get enchanted Ammo buffs (via their new "Munitions" line), and can bring one more ability into an AE rotation. New survivability as well. Better synergy.
* Due to the below changes, characters with soul points spent in Marksman have received a free soul point respec.
* Marksman's Pedestal and Sniper's Pedestal have been removed.
* Hit and Run: Removed.
* Improved Hit and Run: Renamed to just Hit and Run!
* Swift Shot, Empowered Shot, Deadeye Shot, Rapid Fire Shot: Damage increased.
* Strafe: Damage increased. An additional 100% bonus from Attack Power is added to this attack.
* Four new weapon enchantments for ranged weapons have been added. Only 2 weapon enchantments can be active at one time; does not stack with Assassin poisons or Nightblade weapon enchantments.
* Electrified Munitions: Unlocked at 14 points. Ranged weapon attack abilities deal additional Air damage. Damage is increased with points spent in Marksman above 14.
* Rending Munitions: Unlocked at 16 points. Your ranged weapon attacks ignore 25% of the target's armor.
* Vampiric Munitions: Unlocked at 18 points. Ranged weapon attack abilities have a 20% chance to place a curse on the target, reducing their healing taken by 50% for 15 seconds. The Marksman is healed for 20% of any healing the cursed target receives.
* Silver Tip Munitions: Unlocked at 51 points. Ranged weapon attack abilities curse the target, causing them to take an additional 2% damage from the Marksman for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
* Deaden: Energy cost reduced to 10 from 40.
* Lightning Fury: Can now be cast instantly. Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.
* Single Minded Focus: Ability changed - now increases the damage of all single target damage abilities by 1-5%.
* Increased Fire Power: Effect is now triggered on all critical hit attacks.
* Penetrating Shots: Now works with both ranged and melee weapon physical attacks. Also ignores 5-25% of the target's armor, up from 4-20%.
* Master Archer: Ability changed - whenever you are standing still, damage with ranged weapons is increased by 5-25%.
* Barbed Shot: Removed.
* 4-piece Hammerknell Synergy Crystal bonus has been updated with the above changes: now increases the damage of Electrified Munitions by 50%.


* Gameplay goals: Some more survivability, without having to rely on pure immunities.
* Hellfire Blades, Smoldering Blades, and Fell Blades no longer trigger damage shield effects.
* Primal Strike: Now deals Death damage instead of Physical damage.
* Primal Death: Now increases the damage of Primal Strike by 5-15%.
* Enkindle: Ability changed to now increase the Attack Power bonus of your Fire based attacks by 10-30%.
* Living Flame: Increased the damage bonus from Attack Power by an additional 50%.
* Twilight Transcendence: Ability changed; it now removes all curable harmful effects, reduces damage taken by 50%, and heals the Nightblade for 50% of their max health over 4 seconds.
* Fell Blades: Available after spending 16 points in Nightblade. Now causes weapon attacks to have a 20% chance to deal Death damage and curse the enemy, reducing healing on the target by 50%. The Nightblade receives 20% of any healing on the cursed target.
* Fiery Chains: An additional 50% damage bonus from Attack Power has been added. Now unlocked after spending 32 points in Nightblade.


* Gameplay goals: Synergizes with other souls better. No longer overly dependent on Shadow Fire.
* Killing Focus: Now increases the damage of both melee and ranged weapon attacks by 2-4%.
* Double Shot: All ranged weapon attacks gain a 10-50% chance of firing an additional shot.
* Shadow Fire: Now increases your damage with ranged weapons by 13% for 25 seconds. The bonus to damage is increased by 1% for every point spent in Ranger above 14, to a maximum of 50%.
* Master Huntsman: The Dire Wolf's Maul now infects the target, reducing healing taken by 10-50% - increased from 6-30% healing reduction.


* Gameplay goals: Offensively synergizes through +AP and reflect shields. Some new multi-target threat coolness here too. You should be able to take some Riftstalker without flooring your DPS, as melee souls' ability to close all currently lives in this tree.
* Due to the below changes, characters with soul points spent in Riftstalker have received a free soul respec.
* Guardian Phase: Threat generation increased to 200% from 100%. No longer purgeable.
* Stalker Phase: Effect is no longer purgeable. Now adds a 10% damage bonus when activated. Plane Shifting adds another 15% damage bonus for 10 seconds.
* Planar Strike, Phantom Blow, Rift Disturbance, and Shadow Blitz: Reduced the threat generated by these abilities.
* Shadow Blitz: An additional 50% damage bonus from Attack Power has been added to this attack.
* Shadow Stalk: Now removes all control and movement impairing effects.
* Annihilate: Damage increased. Now adds a buff that increases Attack Power by 20%, rather than a fixed value.
* Stalker Phase: Effect is now triggered after using any Plane Shift abilities.
* Rift Barrier: Now absorbs both physical and non-physical damage. Additionally, the absorbed damage is reflected back on the attacker.
* Improved Rift Barrier: Removed.
* Planar Vortex - New Ability: Whenever the Riftstalker Plane Shifts, they gain Planar Vortex which lasts for 4 seconds. Deals 50% of your weapon damage every second to surrounding enemies and generates a large amount of threat. Effect can only be triggered when the Riftstalker is in Guardian Phase.
* Hasted Time: Increased the speed buff granted after Plane Shifting by 25-50%, up from 15-30%. Can be triggered once every 10 seconds. No longer stacks with the Bladedancer's Sprint and the Marksman's On the Double.
* Freedom of Movement: Effect is triggered after Plane Shifting and can only occur once every 10 seconds.
* Shadow Assault: The damage bonus from Attack Power has been increased to 100%, up from 50%.
* Shadow Mastery: Now a 2-point ability that reduces the cooldown of your Plane Shift abilities by 10-20 seconds.
* Phantom Blow: Now has a 10 second cooldown. The stack size has been reduced to a single stack and reduces damage taken by 6%.
* Rift Guard: Now absorbs damage up to 250% of your maximum health, up from 150% for a 51-point Riftstalker.
* Defer Death: For the next 4 seconds, the Riftstalker's health cannot drop below 1 hit point. When the effect ends, gain an absorption shield that absorbs all incoming damage for up to 50% of max health for 10 seconds.
* Shadow Guard - New Ability: Available after 25 points spent in Riftstalker. Reduces physical damage taken by 1-5%. For every 1000 Armor, you take 1% less physical damage up to a maximum reduction of 20%.


* Gameplay goals: Use of bombs should not be a DPS downgrade.
* An additional 50% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to the damage from Fragmentation Bomb, Chemical Bomb, and Annihilation Bomb.
* High Explosives: Now have a chance to crit on each tick instead of only the first tick.


* Reactive abilities have been given a 1.5 second shared internal cooldown which will keep multiple reactives from being used simultaneously. This will affect Flesh Rip, Frenzied Strike, Inescapable Fury, Disarming Counterblow, Paladin's Reprisal, Retaliation, and Turn the Blade.
* Spell-interrupting abilities that are not combat finisher abilities no longer deal damage and only interrupt the casting of the target. This affects Bash, Face Slam, Flinching Strike, and Furious Rage.


* Pack Mentality: Fixed a case where this effect was removed when spending a soul point.


* Bloodthirst: This ability is now on the global cooldown. Due to this the damage has been increased and it now grants an attack point.


* Light's Decree: Fixed a bug with the debuff tooltip to indicate it triggers off of single target attacks.
* Paladin's Devotion: Can now be used while snared or rooted and will properly remove those effects.
* Paladin's Reprisal: Can now be used while wielding a 2-handed weapon when under the effect of the Vindicator soul's ability, 'The Art of Defense'.
* Sweeping Strike: Fixed a case allowing Elemental Touch to trigger off of both the initial hit damage as well as the elemental hit.


* Wrist Strike: No longer blocks Break Free abilities.
* Predictable Movements: Fixed an issue that could cause Predictable Movements to not work at all.
* Reaping Harvest: Ability will show as unavailable while wielding a 2-handed weapon.


* Creeping Death: Fixed a bug causing rank 2 through 4 to not properly snare the target.


* Riftwalk: Riftwalk now always places you behind your target. Fixed a tooltip bug which stated that Riftwalk stunned the target instead of rooting them. The ability function hasn't changed and still roots the target.
* Avatar of the Rift: Fixed a bug allowing the damage shield to hit the attacker for each tick of a damage over time ability, or to trigger from auto-attacks. It no longer triggers from auto-attack damage and only applies on the first tick of a damage over time ability.
* Earth Burst: Fixed a tooltip typo that listed the snare duration as 0 seconds.


* Ragestorm: Fixed a case allowing Elemental Touch to trigger off of both the initial hit damage as well as the elemental hit.


* Combat Awareness: Updated tooltip to better indicate that the ability generates significant threat.


* Killing a mind-controlled player of your own faction will not give you prestige, favor, or experience. It's still pretty funny, though.
* PvP deaths no longer result in soul damage, even if NPCs are attacking you.



* The 'Abyssal Precipice' achievement can now be updated by defeating Expert versions of the bosses.


* Darkswarm mobs no longer award experience.
* Braxtepel: Flame Cleave can no longer be reflected.


* Expert: Fixed some locations where characters would be teleported after being resurrected.


* Players can no longer hide from Isskal's single-target attacks.
* Hydriss: Tsunami visual effect looks and is times better to help represent ability damage increase over distance.
* Hydriss should no longer attack players during or instead of her Waterburst and Hydrostatic Shock phases.


* Expert: Additional tuning for the Helena Brass finale so Oludare should always spawn and not block you from completing the dungeon.


* Oracle Aleria: If Necrotic Eruption is on a character at the time of Aleria's death, it gets removed rather than bombing the entire raid once the maze walls drop. No more victory-wiping!
* Lord Greenscale: At long last, and hopefully for good - fixed a case where Lord Greenscale would sometimes cancel his Genesis Torrent cast or channel.


* Darktide Mists can now be crowd controlled.


* Strange Plots of the Aelfwar: Fixed a case where the quest objectives would not reset and refused to allow players on this quest to return to the instance and complete it.


* Standard: Slightly reduced base mob density in this dungeon.
* Expert: Neutral mobs no longer award experience.


* Crafting Rift: Weaponsmith: Will no longer auto-complete the third bonus stage due to multiple characters completing the second.
* Brilliant Enduring Rune now grants +9 Endurance, up from +8. Every point counts!
* Tempered Orichalcum Bar, Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber, Steel-Stitched Leather, and Infinite Essence now sort properly on the auction house.
* Epic Essences and Rare Essences above level 50 now Salvage for more level-appropriate materials.
* Dark Seafoam Green Dye has been fixed to require 110 Apothecary skill to create. It previously was set to 130.
* Ruby Gorget was incorrectly requiring 201 skill to create instead of 210. Fixed!
* Skilled Armorsmith Supply Chests will properly award Armorsmith materials rather than Weaponsmith.
* Ornate Platinum Choker now displays the correct name in the recipe list.
* Corrected the name of the Apothecary Workorder that requires Lesser Healing Potions.
* Runecrafters will no longer receive Workorder: Radiant Steadfast Runes. Characters currently on this quest will still be able to complete it - a new Runecrafter Workorder has been added to replace it, requiring Radiant Insightful Runes.
* Fixed an issue where neutral Crafting Trainer NPCs in Fortune's Shore were offering faction-specific recipes.
* Corrected the Bind on Pickup flag on some Rune and Runeshard recipes that were not previously set.


* Items that grant temporary enhancements (ex: Padding, Armor Plating, Spellstones, Riding Chaps, etc.) have updated icons.
* Collectible books no longer count as quest items and will go into your primary inventory. If you have any in your quest bag that you hadn't added to your collections, you'll need to move them into your general inventory to use them.
* Fixed a bug that could cause Synergy Crystals to display incorrect tooltips in merchant windows.
* Fixed an issue where clicking off the buff from Necrotic Rage would prevent it from proccing again unless the focus was re-equipped.
* Binding Silk: Now with Physical Crit rather than Spell Crit.
* Bulwark of Banishment: Reduced the Block bonus from 40 to 20 to bring it in line with other items of similar level.
* Deathsteel Pauldrons: Now with Attack Power rather than Spell Power.
* Double Barrel Problem Solver: Changed graphic so this is actually double-barreled.
* Energetic Sourcestone Mirror is no longer able to proc from every tick of a damage over time ability, only on the first.
* Fang of the Life Lord: Can now correctly proc from Warrior abilities.
* Gossamer Motions: Now has Attack Power instead of Spell Power.
* Gravetouched Soulstone: Fixed so it actually does proc the buff on your pet, as the description indicates.
* Metamorphic Stonesource: Will now apply the correct effect.
* Murk Shrouded Trinket: Effect tooltip now displays the correct name.
* Nyx's Chloromancer Crystal: 2-piece bonus now increases the chance for Radiant Spores to proc by 10%, up from 5%.
* Nyx's Chloromancer Crystal: 4-piece bonus now causes damage ticks from Void Life to place a stacking buff on the Chloromancer. Each stack reduces the casting time of the next Nature's Touch spell by 0.5 seconds.
* Privateer's Axe of the [...]: Can once again be sold to merchants.
* Sandcovered Shroud: Now accepts both Primary and Secondary areas for dyes.
* Stinging Faesource: Now procs the correct buff.
* Tuthmet Wine: Fixed the spell power buff so it will no longer be overwritten by a weaker version.


* Manticore type mobs just got more lucrative to hunt - they weren't dropping as much currency loot as they should have.


* Zone event: Saving Lantern Hook: This event should no longer be able to get into a non-completable state.


* A new porticulum has been added to Ark of the Ascended, allowing new characters to receive their Soul Recall ability earlier.


* Out of Harm's Way: This quest should be less negatively impacted by footholds at the nearby Guardian Encampment. Also increased the distance the escort can be from the player before the quest will fail.
* Gwyddon is now properly removing the Hag's curse for any afflicted Ascended.


* The Redsnow Bandit population around Frost Falls has been retuned to be more in keeping with the quest levels of that area.


* Daily quests in Scarlet Gorge should all properly grant notoriety for repeat completions.


* Zone Event: The Witching Hour: Fixed a case where the event could fail before all targeted locations had fallen.
* Realigned Priorities: The Guardian Raiders that spawn should no longer flag you for PvP and as an added bonus, also no longer hit like trucks.
* Chronic Cultist Culling: Removed the second objective from this daily quest.
* Local Cures: Umbral Sedge plants will no longer spawn inside of rocks.
* Insuring Their Safety: More Gorefang Wranglers should now be available.


* Zone event: Scourge of the Sands has been tuned down in difficulty.
* The Order's Charge: Quest will now always update on killing a Maelforge Emberdrake if the Flamerod is active.
* The Unlucky Few: NPCs will respawn more reliably during this quest.


* A new porticulum has been added to Divine Landing, allowing new characters to receive their Soul Recall ability earlier.
* The rare spawn NPC, Pandora, will no longer be a potential target of Defiant Footholds.


* Tracking a Traitor: Ascended will now have an easier time using Kira's Signal during this quest.
* Daily quests in Stonefield should all properly grant notoriety for repeat completions.


* It's a lot more difficult to get your character to stand at impossible angles while mounted.
* Fixed an issue with sound reverberation in some areas (such as Chancel of Labors in Iron Pine Peaks) where the effect was way too strong on footsteps, character speech, and some other sounds.
* Fixed footstep sounds for some polymorph effects that had none.


* You can now add [notactive] to a /cast macro to prevent it from turning off a toggled ability.
* Fixed a bug where players could incorrectly end up targeting themselves when using abilities from macros.


* Parties can now be displayed by default using the Raid Frame UI. Check the Display tab under Options to enable this setting.
* The Auction House no longer truncates long item names with '...' when using right click on an item in your inventory to search auctions.
* Soul Exhaustion tooltip now correctly explains whether it has been applied by resurrecting at a graveyard or by reaching 0% Soul Vitality.
* Title rewards are now displayed in the Achievements window.
* The on-screen popup message for Quest Accepted now appears for all quests, including Rift dailies.
* Removed an erroneous error message when adding the first quest to your quest stickies when the stickies are currently empty.

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 21 wrz 2011, 19:05 
1.5 w przyszlym tygodniu: ... next-week/


Posty: 1527
Dołączył(a): 27.10.2006
PostNapisane: 22 wrz 2011, 23:24 
Everything from the previous notes through today's PTS build!


* PTS NOTE: Players of the opposing faction once again see your Wardrobe appearance!
* If you try to pay for a cash-on-delivery mail attachment multiple times, we don't actually charge you more than once.
* When right-clicking stackable items to move them into a Guild Bank, they will be merged into any existing stacks in the bank if there is room.
* Quests that share updates with party members will now also share across the whole raid, not just within your raid group.
* Using click-to-move no longer acts bizarrely if you click on a floor above or below your character.
* Smart Targeting now actually changes your target to the one chosen by your ability.
* Characters will no longer be affected by PvP Immunity effect when zoning into or being resurrected inside an instance.
* Any Crystal Sourcestone you currently have will be converted into Inscribed Sourcestone.


* Your experience bar will turn into a Planar Attunement meter when you reach level 50. The mouseover tooltip will indicate that you are earning experience toward Planar Attunement.
* You must purchase all Planar Attunement abilities of a given tier before you can begin spending points in the next tier up.
* Rested experience does not apply to post-level-50 Planar Attunement experience.
* PTS NOTE: Planar Attunement: Clerics now receive double the benefit to Spell Power from Mace Mastery for two-handed maces.
* PTS NOTE: Fixed an issue causing tooltips to report an incorrect Attack or Spell Power.
* PTS NOTE: Fire now lists the proper weapon types.
* PTS NOTE: The locked second tier no longer shows blank greyed out entries for Warriors.


* The Random Daily Dungeon completions via the LFG tool now also award experience for Planar Attunement, where appropriate for your level.
* LFG players who are briefly disconnected but still in the group will no longer cause unusable replacement popups on the group leader's screen.
* Killing the first boss in a normal dungeon will properly remove the party's LFG cooldown debuff, much like the Expert dungeons do.
* Party leaders that are overleveled for their LFG instance can now successfully use the Find Replacement popup if needed.
* Leaders of raids with 5 players or less can now enroll them in the LFG queue, even if more than one group exists in the 'raid'.
* Parties queued for LFG will remain in the queue when converted to raid, as long as they meet the 5 player or less limit.
* Leaders of LFG raidframe groups can now change the order of players within the party.
* The soul respec window will now warn you that respeccing may kick you from an LFG queue, depending on how much you change!
* Stats contributed from armor set bonuses now count toward tier requirements when looking for dungeons.
* The LFG system will no longer get confused if you add a party member during a dungeon queue pop. It also won't forget group member names if someone is in a Warfront when the window comes up.


* Raid Rift tears now have a unique map icon.
* A new zone event weekly quest is available from Raj Tahleed in Meridian and Abbess Katia in Sanctum.
* The Defiant's Flare and Guardian's Flare abilities now summon more numerous and stronger assistants to help take down an enemy foothold. The ability cooldown is now 2 minutes.
* Anti-Planar Augmentation and Blessed Champion abilities now have a duration and cooldown of 1 minute, instead of the previous 30 second duration and 5 minute cooldown.
* After invaders take over a location they will start stacking the 'Burning Out' debuff, causing them to take increased damage for each stack.
* Increased the experience gain around Rift activities - a small increase to experience gained from Rifts, a moderate increase for footholds and Major Rifts, and a large increase for zone event Colossi!
* Player pets no longer deal reduced damage to Invaders.


* Fixed a bug that caused passive abilities to not apply on pets if they were already summoned at the time of login. Also fixed a bug with item abilities not triggering on pets if the item was equipped prior to the pet being summoned.
* Area effect heals that were using up a heal count on a dead friendly target will no longer do so.
* Fixed an issue causing tooltips from some abilities (most trinkets, in particular) to display inaccurate values for damage and healing when the character has active effect that modify their incoming/outgoing damage or healing values.
* Your camera angle will no longer change when struck by an NPC using Thunderous Kick.


* The Cleric and Warrior Attack Power/Crit and Spell Power/Crit stat contributions have been reverted back to the live values rather than the most recent PTS change.
* Cleric mana pools will now increase just a bit more from gains in Intelligence.



* Dark Water: Fixed tooltip inconsistencies.
* Ravaging Darkness: The damage from Ravaging Darkness itself is now properly converted into healing.
* Reversal of Fortune: No longer causes you to be hit by your own Decays.
* Symbol of the Ancient: Removed the extra comma from the tooltip.
* Curse of Discord, Curse of Solitude: Both now specify in their tooltips that they will not stack with each other.


* PTS NOTE: Corporal Punishment: Now grants a flat 50% chance to gain increased damage to your Life and Death based abilities for 5 seconds. Does not scale based on points spent in the Inquisitor soul.


* Bolt of Radiance: Removed the secondary taunt effect that required Mien of Leadership.
* Provoke: Now available with 12 points in Justicar. Taunts the target, forcing them to attack the Justicar for 3 seconds. Does not trigger a global cooldown.
* Interdict: No longer has a delay before actually interrupting the target.


* Rite of the Ancestors: Corrected the tooltip on the effect.


* Lasting Invocation: This now considers both the healing applied as well as overhealing done by Healing Invocation for determining the amount of the heal-over-time portion.
* Vigilance: Rank 2 is no longer blocked by the Latent Blaze debuff.
* PTS NOTE: Serendipity: Now grants a flat 40% chance to reduce the casting time of your next heal. Does not scale based on points spent in the Sentinel soul.


* PTS NOTE: Lust for Blood: Now grants a flat 45% chance to deal additional damage on your next Physical hit. Does not scale based on points spent in the Shaman soul.


* PTS NOTE: Overflow: Now grants a flat 40% chance to proc an additional heal on your target. Does not scale based on points spent in the Warden soul.


* Warlock's Opportunity and Dominator's Quick Thinking no longer stack with each other. Opportunity has a higher priority and will be applied if both would be up at the same time.
* Fixed an issue where using two Charge-consuming abilities at the same time would only have the first one consuming Charge.


* Leeching Flames: Multiple Archons can now have Leeching Flames up on the same target.


* Fixed an issue with the Water Elemental's Icy Chains ability that prevented the root from being cleansed.
* Sever Bonds: Can now be cast while silenced.


* Corpse Explosion: Fixed a bug where this wouldn't trigger if used on another player.


* Wildfire: The buff can now be clicked off or otherwise removed.
* PVP - Glyphs of Power: The bonus to Fire damage from Glyphs of Power in PvP combat is 5%.
* Glyphs of Power: Now also increases mana regeneration.
* Flicker: Can now be cast while silenced.


* PTS NOTE: Increased Energy regeneration rate to 23 per second. (originally 20, previously 22 on PTS).


* Assassinate: An additional 150% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack, up from 100%. Now also completely ignores armor on the target.
* Debilitating Poison: Updated functionality. The Assassin coats their weapons in poisons, and each weapon attack has a 20% chance to deal additional Water damage and drain 5 Energy, 5 Power, or 3% of the target's maximum mana or 500 mana, whichever is higher. Lasts for 1 hour. Up to 2 weapon enchantments can be applied at one time.
* Serpent Strike: Energy cost reduced to 10 from 20.


* Motif of Regeneration: Fixed a bug where this would end prematurely when another grouped Bard used their Motif of Regeneration.


* PTS UPDATE: Contra Tempo: Functionality changed. Increases the Attack Power damage bonus to your Quick Strike and Precision Strike by 5-10%. The bonus is increased by 12% for each point spent in Bladedancer above 31.


* PTS NOTE: Rending Munitions: Moved from a 16 point root ability to a 28 point root ability.
* PTS NOTE: Barbed Shot: Reintroduced as a 16 point root ability.
* PTS NOTE: Silver Tip Munitions: Fixed a bug where 2 or more Marksman rogues would override each others debuff on a target. Now, multiple Marksmen can stack the debuff on the target, but are only affected by their own application.
* PTS NOTE: Hit and Run (the new Hit and Run, previously Improved Hit and Run that was renamed) has been removed.
* PTS NOTE: Vampiric Munitions: The healing siphon now works for both overhealing and incoming healing from procced effects. The healing debuff now takes precedence over other healing debuffs on the target. 50% of the healing taken by the target is siphoned to the Marksman.
* Controlled Fire - New Ability: Available with 38 points spent in Marksman. Reduces the Energy cost of all ranged weapon attack abilities by 10% and increases the Attack Power damage bonus by 10%. The bonus is increased by an additional 5% for each point spent in Marksman above 38.
* Rapid Extrication: Now reduces the cooldown of all Marksman abilities by 15-30%.
* The Hammerknell Synergy Crystal for Marksman has an update 2-piece bonus: Marksman Finisher abilities have a 20% chance per combo point spent to reset the cooldown of Empowered Shot and cause the next Empowered Shot to be instant.


* PTS NOTE: Enkindle: Fixed a bug where the Attack Power bonus was affecting all damage attacks rather than only Fire based attacks. Now increases the Attack Power bonus of your Fire and Death based attacks by 15-30%.
* PTS NOTE: Fell Blades: The healing siphon now works for both overhealing and healing that comes from procced effects. The healing debuff now takes precedence over other healing debuffs applied on the target. 50% of the healing taken by the target is siphoned to the Nightblade.


* PTS ONLY: Ranger: Fixed the Dire Wolf's Maul ability creating unnecessary debuff icons when you had no points in Master Huntsman.
* Divert Rage: Updated tooltip to better indicate that the threat transferred to the pet is the threat generated by the Ranger in the 10 seconds after using the ability.


* Instigate: No longer triggers the global cooldown.
* PTS NOTE: Shadow Guard: Reworked the functionality. When you use Phantom Blow, you gain Shadow Guard for 20 seconds, reducing Physical damage taken by 1-5%. For every 1000 Armor you have, you take 1% less Physical damage up to 20% additional bonus.
* PTS NOTE: Defer Death: Reworked the functionality. When struck by a killing blow within 30 seconds, the Riftstalker gains an absorption shield that absorbs all incoming damage for up to 50% of their max health over 15 seconds.
* PTS NOTE: Phantom Blow: Fixed the effect tooltip indicating a reduction of damage per stack when this has been changed to not stack anymore.
* Annihilate: The Attack Power increase is now 15%.
* Planar Disruption - New Ability: Unlocked with 22 points spent. Attempts to disrupt the target's spell casting. Not affected by global cooldown.
* Physical Wellness - New Ability: Unlocked with 46 points spent. Increases the maximum health of party and raid members by 1500. Lasts for 20 seconds.
* Shadow Assault: While in Guardian Phase, the Riftstalker Plane Shifts toward the target instead of to behind the target.
* Shadow Stalk: While in Guardian Phase, the Riftstalker Plane Shifts toward the target, instead of to behind the target.
* Stalker Phase: Increases damage by 5% when active.


* Residual Shrapnel: Functionality changed. Your Blast Charge deals an additional 35% damage over 6 seconds, and Shrapnel Charge deals an additional 50% damage over 6 seconds.
* High Explosives: Damage increases with additional points spent in Saboteur above 44.
* Annihilation Bomb, Chemical Bomb, Fragmentation Bomb: An additional 200% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to these attacks.
* Updated Saboteur 2-piece bonus on the Hammerknell Synergy Crystal: It now also increases the damage of Fragmentation Bomb and Chemical Bomb by 30%.


* Single-target taunts are no longer on the global cooldown. These include Spark, Shield Throw, Sergeant's order, and Grim Lure. Due to this change, the damage component has been removed from Spark and Shield Throw.
* Grim Lure, Spark, and Shield Throw: Changed the projectile effect on these abilities. The taunt effect now triggers at time of use and not when the projectile hits.


* Pack Mentality: Summoning a pet when you have Pack Mentality will no longer give you and your pet blank buff icons.


* PTS NOTE: Bloodthirst: Additional increase to damage due to returning this ability to the global cooldown.


* Predictable Movements: This should no longer lose charges when the Paragon uses one of their own abilities.


* The Saga of the Endless: A Father's Love: Nearby Rifts will no longer cause quest targets to hide from this quest.
* Some NPCs, primarily in Moonshade Highlands, were granting experience outside of the normal range for their level and difficulty. Corrected!


* A Temporary Solution: Reworked this quest so you are asked to speak with Sasha Nikadon in The Sagespire to receive the quest objective item, 'A Pinch of Sourcestone Powder'.


* Fight Fire with Fire: During this quest you will no longer be able to pick up more than 9 Core of Flames.
* Level 50 Rifts now have a chance to appear in Firesand Desert!


* Increased the chance for tier 1 Expert bosses to drop Epic quality loot.
* Added a 50% chance for tier 1 Expert bosses to drop a second Plaque of Achievement.
* Added a 50% chance for tier 2 Expert bosses to drop a third Plaque of Achievement.
* Reduced the prices of Expert dungeon armor. The second tier of Expert dungeon armor now requires turning in the first tier of Expert armor to purchase.


* Added a 'Conqueror' type achievement for this zone, along with a new reward!


* The later bosses in Hammerknell now drop additional Greater Marks of Ascension.
* Sicaron: Adjusted duration of the Soul Harvest ability.
* Grugonim: Removed reputation gain from the Bloodplague Crawlers and Manifested Death (towers).
* Grugonim: Increased the damage buff granted to players to 4% from 2% per stack.


* Expert: Rotting Flesh is now cleansable.
* Expert: The 'Keep Cleansing' achievement should now properly award as described.


* Fixed the calculation of the Monthly Kills stat. NOTE: This will result in a one-time reset of your monthly kills display, and then it will start tracking properly!
* For PvP quests that require defeating other players, NPCs can no longer steal your credit.
* If you are in a raid with less than 6 people, Prestige and Favor awards will be calculated using the party values.
* Whitefall Steppes: Escalation: Now properly tracks and displays Sourcestone captures and returns on the leaderboard.
* Skilled Alchemists can now obtain the recipe for Pure Valorstone from the Favor Quartermasters in Sanctum and Meridian. Pure Valorstone can be used to add Valor to crafted armor for those looking to gain a leg up in the battlefields of Telara. The crafted armor must be of level 47 or higher to be made with Pure Valorstones.
* Fixed an exploit that allowed Guardians to get up to the back side of the Defiant spawn point in Port Scion.
* Pyromancers: Glyphs of Power: Reduced the bonus to Fire damage from Glyphs of Power in PvP combat to 5%.
* Port Scion: Zerena Karathi and Alys Whiteshield (both in the starting areas) will no longer attack players.
* PTS NOTE: Soul Vitality should no longer be lost when dying in the Runemaster's Library.


* The prices of Essences on the Planar merchants has been adjusted due to the merging of Inscribed and Crystal Sourcestone.
* New Synergy Crystals are now available from the Planar Goods merchants for Greenscale and tier 2 Expert item sets.
* A number of vanity items and gloves that were previously non-tintable can now be dyed!
* Gravemaker Steaks, Drake Filets, and Icewatch Cupcakes no longer have an item use time. The effect is now applied immediately.
* Fixed a bug where Simple Synergy Crystals could be equipped by Clerics.


* Skill-specific Plaques have been converted into Master Crafter's Marks.
* Master Crafter's Marks will now drop and reward wherever the previously skill-specific Plaques would (Apothecary Plaque, Outfitter Plaque, etc.).
* All Epic crafting recipes are now purchased with Master Crafter's Marks.
* Reduced the amount of Eternal Planar Dust required to make the components for the weekly Crafting Rift lure quests. Slightly increased the amount of store-bought materials needed to offset the cost reduction.
* You can now receive Inert Shards, Stones, Gems, Crystals, and Prisms from Apothecary daily quest reward bags and chests, as well as Apothecary Crafting Rifts.
* Skilled Alchemists can now obtain the recipe for Pure Valorstone from the Favor Quartermasters in Sanctum and Meridian. Pure Valorstone can be used to add Valor to crafted armor for those looking to gain a leg up in the battlefields of Telara. The crafted armor must be of level 47 or higher to be made with Pure Valorstones.
* Endurance bonuses from crafted item sets can now stack with each other.
* Fixed the skill level requirement to craft Carmintium Lariat.


* Fixed objects not drawing to the correct distance at initial login.
* Look for new finely-feathered-friends livening up Meridian and Sanctum!
* Improved the variation in crowd cheer audio.
* Fixed some issues that could cause framerate stuttering when running through the world.
* Added voiceover to several existing major zone events.
* Added a sound to Prince Hylas' opening of Greenscale's Door inside Greenscale's Blight.
* Fixed a bug where casting animations were sometimes interrupted by other animations.


* The Marksman 'Bull's Eye' and other similar abilities will now work properly in macros.


* The quest log now displays how many daily and weekly quests you've turned in as well as the limit per day/week. It also shows the current total number of quests in your quest log alongside the quest log cap amount.
* Added an option to always display status text for your Focus target, similar to the existing options for Player, Target, Party, etc.
* If your character has had more than one role that has had a free Soul Point respec applied to it due to a patch, you now see a message box listing all of your respecced roles on first login.
* The Auction House now has a new 'Vanity' subsection to look for wardrobe items!
* Clicking the Bid or Buyout buttons on the Auction House no longer changes the position of your scroll bar in search results.
* Fixed an Auction House purchasing bug that would prevent you from buying an item from search results immediately after placing an item up for auction.
* Item tooltips no longer display red text while dead if you can use the item while alive.
* Tooltips for kill quests that require specific level mobs or higher will no longer show too-low targets as valid.
* Moved the Settings option for Ability Queue into the Action Bar settings category.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't delete quests from your quest log if the only quests you had in there were daily/weekly types.
* Fixed the chat window occasionally truncating lines when using larger text sizes.
* Ascended Powers and Guild Perks are now organized by category in your Abilities window.


* Client stability improvements, yay!
* Fixed an incompatibility with Windows 8 32-bit.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 23 wrz 2011, 06:46 
* Fixed an incompatibility with Windows 8 32-bit.

Lol. System w pre-beta a oni juz fixneli. gz.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 479
Dołączył(a): 31.10.2008
PostNapisane: 23 wrz 2011, 10:06 
Zapowiada sie ciekawie :) Lokken mozesz strescic mniej wiecej. Zaczynam przygode z RIFT i gralem do tej pory rogalami: build bard ranger oraz warrior: champ. Marksman mnie zawiodl chociaz chcialem zeby to byla moja glowna klasa. Dodam ze wbilem 19tke :P

O ile zwieksza sie dps np. marksmana czy innych rogali na niskich leveli ? Na ile jest to odczuwalna roznica w porownaniu do stanu obecnego ?

Jaka klase mele zaproponowalbys do PvP ?

"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie." Tony Montana, 'Scarface'

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