Wyczytalem dzisiaj na 4chanie ze jest ukryty quest, gdzie mozna zobaczyc zywych dwemerow. Ponoc tylko 2 osoby go odkryly, to wiadomo via steam achievements.
There is a series of well-hidden quests in Skyrim that will allow you to access the "area" that the Dwemer are currently very much alive within. So far, according to hidden Steam achievements, only 2 people worldwide have discovered the quest chain. No one has completed it yet. It is unlikely that the people who have discovered it have even realized it, as I haven't seen any public discussion about the quest chain yet.
The quest chain is not expounded upon in the official strategy guide.
The quest chain is not randomized; it is accessed via a very specific set of player actions.
The quest chain will not begin until you've completed a more well-known quest chain.
The quest chain requires that two weapons be upgraded to their maximum.
The quest chain features a sound puzzle. You won't even be aware of the puzzle's existence if your sound is muted. This may or may not be the reason why so few people have discovered the quest chain.
We intentionally left this quest chain out of the official strategy guide in order to encourage old school word of mouth "secrets".