Command Ranks
Here's a List of All the command abilities you get as you go up in CR.
-Now Able to set squad Waypoints
-Uniform Upgrade, First Shinguard
-Now Able to purchase the CUD from equipment consoles under the "support" tab, is the same size as any other pistol sized weapon, is equiped in a pistol slot.
-Have access to the "reveal friendlies' fuction of the CUD, allows you to see all friendlies on the continental map for a short period of time. 20min recharge
-Now Able to use the command chat channel to communicate to other commanders of the same CR as you(/c or /command), local radius (can talk to other CR2s at the same base)
-Get the ability to send voice macros to individual squad members by clicking on that members icon at the top of the screen then putting in the command for the macro
-Uniform upgrade, Second Shinguard
-Able to create battle plans on the continental map
-CUD upgrade, can use the EMP burst, a shockwave spreads outward from the user detonating all mines, disabling turrets, disabling MAX abilities, and disables implants. 20min recharge
-Command Chat upgrade, area radius (can communicate with CR3s within the same 'cell' of bases as you)
-Uniform upgrade, First Wristguard
-CUD upgrade, can use the "Reveal Enemies" function, small radius, basicly can see enemies appear as red dots on your cont map, but area is limited to approx 50-100m or so. 20min recharge
-CUD upgrade, can use "Orbital Strike" fuction (smaller radius). Basically a big burst of energy comes down from the skies destroying everything in its area of effect. It works like this, activate CUD, select OS, you are now taken to the continental map and instructed to choose the coordinates for the strike, works the same way as picking a HART drop zone. click where you want it, then click on the "Upload Coordinates" box, you are now taken back to the normal playing screen and a message appears telling you hit the fire button to confirm and launch the strike, you should see a blue 'mini waypoint' to mark the center of the strike, pressing fire will initiate a 10 sec timer, changing weapons or putting the CUD away will cancel the strike, once the countdown starts you cannot cancel, the effects start to appear at t-minus 3 seconds or so, and the damange is dealt when the timer hits 0. Warning: the OS *WILL* damage friendlies and give you grief. 3 Hour recharge.
-Command Chat upgrade, continental (may now communicate with all other CR4s on the same continent as you)
-Uniform upgrade, Second Wristguard
-CUD upgrade, "Reveal Enemies" is upgraded to show you enemies on the continental map in a SUBSTANIALLY larger radius. (can't give an exact number but damned near half the continent)
-CUD upgrade, "Orbital Strike" is upgrade to have a larger radius (again not sure on the exact numbers here)
-Command Chat upgrade, global radius, May now commicate with any other CR5 of your empire who is currently logged on to the same server as you.
-Able to use Global/Continental broadcast, for global the command is /comall, for continental its /com[first two letters of continent] (ie /comfo for forseral, or /comho for hossin), and /comsan for your empire's sanc.
-Uniform upgrade, Backpack
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