As a follow up to my previous post, I received some information from the development team in regards to the overall concept of Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region as well as planned adjustments.
Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region Concept
Just as was mentioned previously, Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region is battle content that is geared towards a 6 person party of level 99 players.
In contrast to Nyzul Isle Investigation where the strategy revolved around 5 floor increments, Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region’s degree of challenge has been set quite difficult. This is also the reason why every time you enter you start from the first floor. We’d like players to set their floor goals based on their strengths, meaning a combination of level, gear, knowledge, and experience.
In order to progress further, in addition to fire power and battle strategy, luck plays a role as well as taking risks to get to the next floor and aim for good rewards.
As a general guideline, the system has been balanced in such a way so that once you have gotten used to it, you should be able to reach floor 60. If you try really hard, you can get to floor 80, and then if luck is on your side you will able to reach floor 100.
Depending on the situation there of course might be cases where you will not be able to reach your target floor and there is no guarantee that you will reach floor 80/100 each time. This is why the rewards become more attractive as you reach higher floors.
Based on the above, we do not have any plans at the moment to ease the difficulty. In the event that we did reduce the difficulty, we would also have to lower the stats on the reward items.
For Nyzul Isle Investigation, depending on which piece of equipment (slot) you are after, you would select the according floor progression. However, for Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region you are trying to get to the highest floor possible to get the equipment with the higher stats.
The further you get floor wise, more attractive items will be dropped by monsters (※) you encounter and you will receive a large amount of tokens. Also, as opportunities to defeat NMs increases, the opportunities to obtain alexandrite will also increase.
※This goes for non-boss NMs as well. (Example: Behemoth spawning on a non-boss floor)
Making it easier to continuously challenge Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region
1. Cost of Temporary Items
For Nyzul Isle Investigation, the idea was to not worry so much about temporary items when going through non-boss floors, and to have a good amount of them for when you do fight bosses.
On the other hand, for Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region, it’s hard to discern when you are just going to go through regular floors and when you are going to fight bosses, so each time you have to grab a large amount of temporary items, just in case.
As a result, in the case you don’t get through very many floors the possibility of you wasting tokens is high, and we have been noticing this happening more than we expected.
With that said, we will be looking into reducing the amount of tokens needed to purchase temporary items.
2. Reward Obtainment Methods
In regards to reward items being obtaining by defeating bosses, we are looking into adding some new elements. The below 2 reasons are why there are difficulties obtaining rewards as drop items.
•Element of challenge has become harder and there is no guarantee that you will able to fight a boss each time.
•There are many types of reward items and the rate of obtaining the type or piece you want is low.
After considering these two points, if you are able to reach boss floors consistently, we’re thinking about making it so you’ll be able to obtain one desired item from amongst the items that can drop off a boss, which would be separate from the items that also dropped from that battle.
※This is a reward that depends on you clearing that specific floor, so other floors will not count and you will not be able to freely select rewards from other floors.
※Since no methods have been implemented to tally clears, when this system is implemented, previous clears will not be counted.
Czyli Nyzul is working as intended