kasjo (Nazarian?

) dobrze gada. Closed beta trwa po zakonczeniu wychodzi open beta. Co do nowinek w nowej macie tu linka
http://www.igniq.com/reviews/2005/01/ri ... peror.html mozna poczytac sporo o nowsiach ktore zapowiadaja sie rewelacyjnie jak dla mnie. (linka mam od Danthe

co do klienta krazacego po sieci to: instalujemy emule, search ryl_v1220_install_usa i sciagamy zrodel sporo coraz wiecej przybywa.
edit: closed beta ma sie skonczyc na dniach. Jak wlazicie na amerynkanskiego ryla (
www.ryl.net) to widac tam 2 serwer testowy. Po zakonczeniu closed bety ma to nastapic na dniach mysle ze w poniedzialek bedzie juz dzialac. mozna bedzie zaczac grac. Z tego co skumalem konta zostana

tylko trza bedzie sie jeszcze raz zalogowac. Postacie ida do piachu (logiczne) a z ciekawych nowosci to dodam: 150 lvl, mozliwosc przenoszenia statow z 1 przedmiotu do drugiego, wsadzanie i wyjmowanie ( jak to pieknie brzmi

) kamykow z jednego przedmiotu, no i oczywiscie nowe tereny nowe potwory itd. Arena skasowana i ponoc mozna robic party z demonami (bez sens) tyle ja zrzumialem z tego linka wyzej. Aczkolwiek moja znajmosc angielskiego jest nikla

edit2: dla tych co nie moga lub maja problemy z emule torrencik
http://www.hakke.at/download/RYL_v1220_ ... xe.torrent
edit3: male extra info
Dear Players,
It is my great pleasure to inform you that we are currently alpha testing RYL part II. We are currently testing system stability and performing final translation for scripts.
We are looking forward to releasing RYL 2 for beta testing to general public soon. Please stay tuned.
RYL 2 features include:
- 2 Immense maps with spectacular graphics
- Improved weather effects
- New skill and environment effects
- Territory development
- Improved equipment upgrade system
- New monsters and NPCs
- Guild Wars
- Ability to create buildings eg. forts...etc.
- Ability to create siege weapons (cannons, catapults, battering rams) and air transports.
i kolejne
There will be 2 NPC in part 2 handling the migration. One is for stats and the other is for items transformation.
The Stats NPC will reset all your stats, you will need to restat ur character. Part 2 is all about pure stats, hybrid gets u a crappy character.
The Items NPC is for you to put your Part 1 items (armors, weapons etc) into the given slot and then you have to click the transform button. The calculator in game will change ur stats for the old armor to new one as per Part 2 standard). So no more uber 165 con weapons or armor. Armors and weapons in part 2 goes beyond 165 cons ... I have seen 250 dex guns and 300 dex sin armor.