Now as for Jin'Do. Make sure you clear the entire room before him so you don't risk aggro. Then have a hunter pull him, standing under the MT (explained later). Then when Jin'do reaches the hunter / mt, let the tank at him. Have him build aggro for some time by sundering and such.
Now, to explain why the hunter shot at him first. Jin'do will curse the first player who causes damage to him. The curse enables this player to see Shades of Jin'do and if the MT gets the curse it gets "wasted", since the MT will be spending his time on Jin'do and not on the shades. Now since the hunter got the curse he is able to fully use it and take out that first shade that spawns.
So, the basic thing about curses is that you don't ever, never ever, cure them. The damage is not much, but the shadow shocks the shades do are. So it must be a first priority for everyone except the MT to take out atleast one shade during their curse. It's doable, even a low dps class can manage taking out atleast one, a class with heavy DPS can take out two.
So, the basics of Jin'do are there. Secondly you need to have a mage or two ready next to the pit of the dancing skeletons since Jin'do will randomly(?) teleport someone over there. The skeletons will die from 1-3 Arcane Explosions so it's no big deal, but still needs to be dealt with haste. You can't permanently take the skellies out since they respawn in about 10 seconds.
So, the most basic things are there. To the fight itself. Jin'do's main abilities are casting two kinds of totems. A Powerful Healing Totem and a Brainwash Totem. These totems are a priority and must be taken out the very instant they spawn. The healing totem being a higher priority in the occasion that both totems should exist simultaneously. Healing totem's ability is to heal Jin'do for 10000 Health per tic Healing totems have very low hp, around 500. Brainwash Totem takes control of a player near the totem. These totems have a fair amount of HP and will require more than 1 person hitting them in order to destroy them without them having too much impact. You can't miss them though, since they shoot out beams to the controlled players.
So, the fight goes like this: Hunter pulls, Jin'do Reaches MT, hunter gets curse, hunter kills the first shade. Totems are dropped, destroyed. Someone is teleported to the skeleton pit. Jin'do Hexes someone (priests be ready), and the fight will continue along these lines with a random person getting the curse and the teleport and the hex. Only time when the hex will have a real impact is when it hits the MT so be alert on that. Make sure everyone knows that the Shades are their priority when they're cursed and totems when they're not. When there are no totems and you're not cursed, you're free to DPS on Jin'do. Mages are alert at the skeleton pit and their healer also.
Edit: Also, have pet classes, hunters and warlocks, have their pets on aggressive. This way the pets will attack the Shades even when they're not cursed. This will prove very useful and can cut down the number of shades if people are slacking on shade-duty.
Just to summarize:
If cursed, your ONLY priority is to KILL SHADES
#1: Healing totem
#2: MC Totem
#3: DPS Hexxer
TO jakby taktyka która my używamy.
Potrzeba 3-4 dobrych rogali żeby kilowali totemy, jednego maga który bedzie robił aoe szkieletów kiedy ktoś wpadnie do baseniku.
No i jak dostaniesz klątwe, to nasuwasz wszystkim co masz w Shades.
A, i tank nie może pulląc hexxara, bo odrazu dostanie curse - najlepiej żeby zrobił to rogal.