10% healingu >10% wiecej many wywal holy nove naprawde taki gadzet maly w PvE nie przydatny za bardzo(chyba ze bedzies solowal deadmines po linen cloth) wywal rownierz matyrdom i spirit of redemtion imho to nawet fajne ale czasem tyci lag i nic nie rzucisz ja sam planuje zrobic build bez imp forta i imp shielda (masz 230 healing przezuc sie na leczenie nizszymi rankami czarow ) ja sam chce sie przezucic na cos takiego przy okazji porsze o krytyke i ewentualne rady

Discipline Talents - 20 points
Unbreakable Will rank 5/5
Wand Specialization rank 0/5
Silent Resolve rank 5/5
Improved Power Word: Fortitude rank 0/2
Improved Power Word: Shield rank 0/3
Martyrdom rank 1/2
Inner Focus rank 1/1
Meditation rank 3/3
Improved Inner Fire rank 0/3
Mental Agility rank 5/5
Improved Mana Burn rank 0/2
Mental Strength rank 0/5
Divine Spirit rank 0/1
Force of Will rank 0/5
Power Infusion rank 0/1
Holy Talents - 31 points
Healing Focus rank 2/2
Improved Renew rank 3/3
Holy Specialization rank 5/5
Spell Warding rank 0/5
Divine Fury rank 5/5
Holy Nova rank 0/1
Blessed Recovery rank 0/3
Inspiration rank 3/3
Holy Reach rank 0/2
Improved Healing rank 3/3
Searing Light rank 0/2
Improved Prayer of Healing rank 0/2
Spirit of Redemption rank 0/1
Spiritual Guidance rank 5/5
Spiritual Healing rank 5/5
Lightwell rank 0/1