Caly stary system archery wylecial, nowy dziala na takich samych zasadach jak magia.
W specu archery wyladowaly wszystkie self buffy z beastcrafta.
Luk nie uzywa strzal - rozdzaj obrazen zmieniasz sobie na zasadzie insta buffa. Jak chesz slash dmg to klikasz na czar 'slash arrows' i masz slash, etc.
Samo strzelania dziala tak jak czarowanie (tylko draw time dluzszy

). Masz kilkanascie styli/czarow, w tym 4 zadajace obrazenia magiczne, celujesz klikasz, ot i cala filozofia. Strzaly mozna kolejkowac, tak samo jak czary.
RAsy majace wplyw na magery maja tez wplyw na archery (mastery of magery, mastery of focus).
Tyle zmian dla wszystkich, dla hunterow plus to zrownanie zasiegu luku z innymi lucznikami. Do tego piesek od ktoregos tam poziomu daje disease i ma fajna komende /frenzy, taki berserk na pare sekund (to samo u druida chyba).
Wiem jedno, nigdy, zadna klasa nie trzaskalem tak szybko RP. Wnioski moga byc dwa, albo hunter jest teraz overpowered albo ja jestem gimp i nie potrafie zadna inna klasa grac
[EDIT] - patch note ci wkleje :>
Archery (Hunters, Rangers and Scouts)
This patch will implement functionality for the new Archery system. The mechanics of the system will be mostly in place, but delves of these attacks are still being tweaked.
- Archers have had their unique bow lines replaced with a new line, called "Archery".
- The Archery line contains 12 types of shots and several self buffs. The names of these abilities are still placeholders at this time, and will be updated in a later version in this patch cycle.
- The Pathfinding skill for Rangers has been merged into Archery, and all of the buffs from that line are now found in the Archery line (available to all Archer classes).
- Self buffs in Beastcraft have been replaced with the self buffs in the Archery Spec.
- New archery abilities are now available under the spells tab, under the Archery list.
- Archery damage and draw time are now affected by the Dexterity skill.
- Archery shots now have a minimum range of 200 units, except for the point blank shot.
- Archery shots now have different Endurance costs depending upon the shot.
- Archery shot types are as follows:
Standard Shot: Average range, draw time and damage.
Long Shot: Longer range, average draw time and slightly lower damage.
Power Shot: Shorter range, long draw time not affected by Dexterity; higher damage.
Point Blank Shot: Very short range, long draw time and high damage.
Critical Shot: Must be fired from stealth, very high damage, average range and average draw time.
Rapid Fire: Average range, short draw time and low damage.
Fire Shot: Heat damage, long draw time and shorter range.
Cold Shot: Cold damage, long draw time and shorter range.
Poison Shot: Body damage Direct Damage/Damage Over Time, long draw time and shorter range.
Acid Shot: Matter damage Direct Damage/Damage Over Time, long draw time and Shorter range.
Volley: Ground Targeted Arrow Volley will hit 3 times; damage increases with spec, as well as the number of enemies hit.
Siege Shot: Does damage to objects such as Keep Doors and Siege equipment.
Current known issues:
- Shield block, Bladeturn, Brittle Guards and Ablatives are not yet implemented.
- Icons are currently placeholders, and arrow effects are not yet implemented.
- Sounds are not yet implemented.
- Certain shots are not yet functioning when used against other players.
- The ability to choose damage types is not yet implemented.
- Realm Abilities are not finalized.
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