W skrocie, ma to byc polaczenie dynamiki i "skillowosci" fps-ow z mechanika i zlozonoscia walki znana z gier mmo.
"What did we do?
• Make progression horizontal, not vertical. Sure, you have to earn experience to level up, but since you don’t gain power, you’re not disadvantaged while you do so. This, combined with the less brutal spread of experience required per level eliminates the feeling of grind.
• Gear always has the same stat budget. Every piece. You can tweak stats to customize your gameplay, but you’re never going to see a sword with 500dps and another sword with 100dps. In fact, in our first release, we’re not even exposing the stats to the player.
• We’re using a much more traditional shooter model for game instances. Join them and leave them at will. There are rewards for sticking them out, but you can still progress even if you can only play 5 of the 15-30 minutes.
• We’re modeling the class abilities after what you’d typically see in a traditional MMO or MOBA. Stuns, silences, interrupts, damage through DoTs etc., to ensure that the combat has depth beyond “put crosshair on enemy, click button until dead”.
• The game is built off of Unreal Engine 3, maintaining its rock solid performance and fluid feel while moving around the game world. You can dodge, jump, strafe… none of it feels as though you’re walking through rubber mud.
• We’ve spent a lot of time breaking down the UI to remove as much of it as possible. As it stands with our playable version: You never have to look at the lower UI area to know what’s going on in the game. We’ll share more of how we accomplished that at a later time, but it really helps keep your eyes glued to the action rather than 2D UI.
• We’re going to have 30-40 abilities per class, but only 9 usable at a time with some category limits. Variety in builds, but keeps the game approachable and even more important while playing, easily manageable. You don’t have 4-5 matches before that one niche ability was useful (if it ever was)."
http://www.playforgewar.com/category/front-page/Ma wyjsc niby jeszcze w tym roku. Aczkolwiek na razie oprocz teasear-a to nie pokazali nic wiecej.
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